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Job Interview Bootcamp - 5. Questions You Should Ask The interview process is basically a series of questions and answers. And you should ask a lot of those questions. By asking right questions, you can accomplish two things: first, you get information you need to match your qualifications to the job. Second, you get information you can use to determine if you really want the job anyway. You should prepare questions for every interview, and they s.. 더보기
Job Interview Bootcamp - 4. Answering Interview Questions During the interview, you could be asked many different questions. In our download library of this website (SellYourSmarts.com), you will find our check list of 50 most commonly asked interview questions. However, most questions asked to (1. ____) additional facts about you to determine your ambition and accomplishments, as well as to determine your problem solving and your leadership skills. No.. 더보기
Job Interview Bootcamp - 3. Executing The Interview Hey, it’s game day. We’re going to discuss the ten things you should do to perform your best at an interview. But, remember that an interview should be a give-and-take conversation with a new person, so respect the interviewer, but be yourself. Here are ten things you need to do in an interview: Arrive early; take the pressure off yourself by leaving home early in case of traffic or transit dela.. 더보기
Job Interview Bootcamp - 2. Preparing For The Interview In my early days with ‘Priceworth House Coopers’, we talked a lot about seven pieces of planning. Proper prior planning prevents (1. ____) performance. Be prepared for interview is essential. Hey, the interview is a game day, and in order to play the game well, you should know your opponent and be warmed up with all the information about you, the company, and the job itself. There are five basic.. 더보기
Job Interview Bootcamp - 1. Strategy Richard Alexander가 진행하는 영어 인터뷰 요령을 이번주 주제로 삼아 보았습니다. 영미권의 다국적 기업이 한국에 진출한지도 꽤 오래 되었고 영어로 취업면접을 진행하는 한국 기업도 많아짐으로 해서 영어로 진행하는 인터뷰에 응하는 취업 준비생들의 준비에 도움이 되기를 바랍니다. 저도 학교 졸업후 취업을 위해 실전 면접을 거치면서 느낀 것은 한국식 면접은 "채용 후 현장교육"의 원칙에 의해 상당히 피상적인 취업면접이고 미국식 면접은 "정해진 업무를 즉시 수행"가능한 인물을 뽑는다는 것에서 큰 차이점을 느꼈습니다. 특히 한시간 정도로 끝나는 한국 면접과는 달리 길게는 8-9시간 정도의 시간 동안 8-9명과 각각 1:1로 진행되는 미국식 면접은 후보자의 진을 뺄수도 있으므로 철저한 준비와 마음가짐이 .. 더보기