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Job Interview Bootcamp - 2. Preparing For The Interview


In my early days with ‘Priceworth House Coopers’, we talked a lot about seven pieces of planning.  Proper prior planning prevents (1. ____) performance.   Be prepared for interview is essential.  Hey, the interview is a game day, and in order to play the game well, you should know your opponent and be warmed up with all the information about you, the company, and the job itself.  There are five basic steps to prepare for the interview;


One, conduct research on the company. 

Two, tailor your accomplishments.

Three, know who you will be talking to.

Four, plan and prepare what you are going to wear.

Five, take materials with you.


Let’s discuss all five. 


Number one, conduct research on the company: be knowledgeable about the company impresses the interviewer and helps you feel more comfortable with yourself, as well as your ability to conduct the conversation.  You should be (2. ______) aware of the company’s reputation, the size, products, history, and the way it conducts its business.  Get the names and titles of the major decision makers that you should meet.  This is the company website and talk with anyone you can works with the company.  Do your very best to get the information about the position and people you could be working with. 


Number two, tailor your accomplishments: work hard picturing yourself in the position that think of all the tasks that the job may require, then list all your accomplishments that best match those requirements.    Make a complete list of questions to ask during the interview.  Using this list will make you more comfortable to demonstrate to the interviewer that you are serious about the job. 


Number three, know who the interviewers are: ask who will be interviewing you, and get their name, title, background and as much information as you can about the area of the responsibility.  If you don’t get enough information before the interview date, respectfully ask at the beginning of the interview.  It is very important to know who you are talking to.   This is definitely not a time to be shy. 


Number four, plan and prepare what you are wear: whether a male or female your appearance is a large part of what it the interviewer sees and evaluates.  Know what you will wear, get a hair cut, do whatever is necessary to leave a comfortable impression.  Be more conservative is the rule.  Know where the company is located, always the best to arrive early.  And,


Number five, take your notes with you: if you prepare, then you should bring your (3. ______) with you.  I’ve always been impressed when a person I’m interviewing demonstrates his preparation.  I was confident that he will not embarrass me when I passed him onto another colleague who was interviewing him.  Bring your list of questions and several copies of your resume.  And it’s a good idea to have a type listed reference as ready to be distributed if you are asked.  As I said in the video of interviewing strategy, you want to be remembered.  If you’re prepared and many people don’t, you will be definitely remembered. 


Now let’s go to the next video, and discuss how to conduct yourself in an interview.  This is Rich Alexander, and thank you so much for watching.