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Job Interview Bootcamp - 1. Strategy

Richard Alexander가 진행하는 영어 인터뷰 요령을 이번주 주제로 삼아 보았습니다.  영미권의 다국적 기업이 한국에 진출한지도 꽤 오래 되었고 영어로 취업면접을 진행하는 한국 기업도 많아짐으로 해서 영어로 진행하는 인터뷰에 응하는 취업 준비생들의 준비에 도움이 되기를 바랍니다.

저도 학교 졸업후 취업을 위해 실전 면접을 거치면서 느낀 것은 한국식 면접은 "채용 후 현장교육"의 원칙에 의해 상당히 피상적인 취업면접이고 미국식 면접은 "정해진 업무를 즉시 수행"가능한 인물을 뽑는다는 것에서 큰 차이점을 느꼈습니다. 특히 한시간 정도로 끝나는 한국 면접과는 달리 길게는 8-9시간 정도의 시간 동안 8-9명과 각각 1:1로 진행되는 미국식 면접은 후보자의 진을 뺄수도 있으므로 철저한 준비와 마음가짐이 필요하다 하겠습니다.

그러므로 미국식 취업면접의 핵심은 후보자의 능력과 인성을 평가하는데 그 주안점을 둔다는 것을 명심해야 할것입니다. 자신의 경험과 실수를 통해서 무었을 배웠고 앞으로 어떻게 업무에 반영하겠다는 적극적이고도 긍정적인 자세를 견지하고 짧고 명확한 자기의사 표현을 할수있게끔 준비하는 것이 중요하겠습니다. 

There is nothing more important in job hunting process as interview.  Everything up to now, networking, finding the best jobs, researching companies, writing cover letters and resumes, posting on web sites, and answering ads, it’s all (1. ____) to get in an interview.  Now you have the interview and what do you do?  There are three things that you must do:


1. You must have the strategy

2. You must prepare for the interview

3. You must how to conduct yourself in the interview


We will discuss points 2 and 3 in the future videos.  But, in this video, we will discuss interview strategy.  The interview is your opportunity to sell yourself by convincing the interviewer that you have the skills, experience, and qualification that the company wants to meet. The best way to do this is to have the interviewer remember you, (2. _____). Everything you do in the interview should be focused on being remembered more than other candidates.  The more you are remembered, the greater your chances are in the employer’s mind when come to decision time.  In order to execute the strategy properly, you need to understand two things about the interview.


First, it’s all about the equal exchange of information in the interview.  Many people go into the interview and spend 95% of time to answering their questions.  If you spend most of your time talking, you hurt yourself in two ways: first, you spent all the time in answering their questions without getting much data to help you get better answers.  Second, you’ll loose great opportunity to impress the interviewer with the quality of questions that you ask.  I’ve always been much more interested in candidates when they ask me well (3. _____) and relevant questions.  I certainly remember them later. 


The second thing about the interview that you need to understand what the interviewer is looking for. First, can you do the job?  That means that you have the ability to execute the specific job functions.  The interviewers are looking for evidence that your experiences, skills, and confidences match their position requirements.  Second, can you do the job at that company?   The culture of every company is different.  In the company the culture is the way people communicate, the things that they value, and the way things get done.  The interviewer’s looking for your accomplishments at other jobs to be compatible to have things get done in their company. 


Third, do you fit?  You know, we’ve discussed many times that your success will be based largely on your ability to work well with other people.  In the same manner, during the interview, the interviewer wants to see how your interpersonal skills match those of others you meet in the interview process.  This chemistry will determine if they like you and they can work well with you. 


In our next video on interviewing, we will discuss the most important part of any interview: thus, “the preparation”, but for now this is Rich Alexander, and thanks so much for watching.