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기초영어듣기/단어와 문법

What is Real English?

이번주는 좀 색다른 형태의 문법공부를 해볼 생각 입니다.  교실에 앉아 칠판에 적혀 나오는 문법이 아니라 실제 뉴요커들을 대상으로 '과거와 현재분사'의 사용법을 직접 듣고 보는 것입니다.  간단한 문법이지만 굉장히 자주 쓰이고 잘못쓰면 오해살수 있는 기초 문법이니 즐겁게 익혀 보시길 빕니다..

Interview for real English?  What is real English? 

Good luck, there is a lot of slang and textbook English is just like a textbook.. I’m sure just like French, nothing like the real thing.  I mean.. I would think it will be hard actually come here, here people especially in New York people, talk, because it talks real fast.


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What do you guys do?  What do you do?

Collect taxis… collect taxies?

What do you mean?  Like tax collector… Oh… taxes….


Excuse me, can we interrupt two minutes?  I’m sorry, but I’m rushing to bank, I don’t have… Where are you going?  I’m going to a bank, they’ll shut in ten minutes, sorry about…


What do you do for fun?  Stock car racing…  Stock car racing!

What do you do for fun?  I watch him… J

Are you actually participating?  I racing..   How often do you racing?  Every Wednesday night. 


Can you give me two or three adjectives about her?  She is beautiful and… she is female…


I was born here in New York. 


[see screen]