I used to party a lot, really? Uhahahaha…. I used to go out a lot. Now you don’t any more? No. Motherly duties.
What did she dad do? May dad is retard, but he used to be a commercial traveler for hardware company.
What’s your best dish? Well, I don’t cook a lot.. so I used to make a nice chinner sandia.
Do you often eat out? We used to, we don’t in the moment.
Do you think you’re a quiet or talkative person? Well, I used to be quiet, but I’m now talkative.
I used to be really quiet, but now I talk a lot.
Can you play a musical instrument? I used to play the flute, but not any more.
Can you play any musical instrument? I used to play piano.
I used to play the guitar, but I don’t any more.
Programmer? I used to be a programmer, but I do customer support now and installation.
I used to play a lot of baseball. But you don’t do that any more? Not as much as I used to.
I used to have short hair, I don’t any more…
I used to not to cook, but now I do…
I used to smoke pot, but I don’t do that any more…
I used to be a little tom boy, I used to fight with little boys.
I used to teach English as foreign
language many years ago. That’s what he
is doing… right.
Madagascar - What a Wonderful World
Madagascar 2 is finally out....!!!! must see movie...