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Pocoyo - Olympic Games!! (6:55)


Welcome to the Pocoyo Olympics!

Ah, Look at them warming up.  Pato, Pocoyo, and Elly!

All right then, ehemmm…

Ladies and Gentlemen!  It brings me great pleasant to announce the First ever race of the Pocoyo Olympics!  So no further ado, let’s meet the runners.  First, the boy in blue, Pocoyo!!!  Next, and quick says quack, quick Pato!  And finally it’s the pink lady herself, Elly!  Sorry Elly. 

And now runners are preparing for the start of the race.  All right then, is everybody ready?  Then, on your marks, get set, Go! 

Oh, that’s surprise, its running around in circle lane.  Go, go, go!  I don’t think I’ve ever seen a race like this before!  Who’s gonna keep going the longest?  Oh, and that’s Elly running out of the race, now who’s gonna win?  Watch out!  Bad luck, Pocoyo!  

Bravo everyone!  What a splendid running!  So, any of you can tell Pocoyo and Pato and Elly, who won the race?   Pato…!  Pato congratulations! You won the race!  What is it Pato?  Oh, here is your prize, well umm, Oh, what a fantastic prize!  Umm, now what competition could we have next, any ideas?

Tidy up contest, toys in box, toys in box!  Oh, I say what a good idea, Pocoyo.  On the next competition is “Tidy up quick!”  Exactly!  Ready?  On marks, get set, Go!  Well done, Elly! 

I’m sure there’s got to be something you are the very best at.  In fact, I know just what the last contest should be.   It’s going to be….. a giggling contest!  Giggle?   

And here’s Octopus now!  (문어가 하는 말은 도저히 못알아 듣겠습니다… -_-;;)

Who do you think giggling the loudest and the longest and the giggliest?  Pocoyo!  Pocoyo is the winner!  Pocoyo’s the winner!  You see Pocoyo?  You don’t have to best at everything because everyone is good at something.  Hooray for Pocoyo!  Bye Bye, See you soon!