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[요리-Startcooking.com] Beef Stew (비프 스투 만들기)

요리가 스트레스 해소에 아주 좋다고 합니다. [바로가기]. 남자분들, 스트레스 풀러 밖으로 나가시기 전에 주말을 맞아 이런 쉬운 요리로 가족들에게 멋진 식사 대접하시면 더욱더 사랑 받지 않을까요?  막강 쏠로군단들도 이런 손쉬운 요리로 친구들과 함께 한다면 더욱 좋겠지요? 즐겁고 행복한 가정이 최우선 입니다~~!  즐거운 시간 되세요~~!!!   

Kathy님의 발음이 아주 독특해서 강세를 주는 단어를 bold 폰트로 표시 했습니다. 잘 들어 보시면 통통 튀는 느낌의 목소리가 아주 귀여운(!) 느낌이 듭니다  ^^


Welcome to the startcokking.com.  I’m Kathy Maister.


Most stew recipes can get really complicated / except for this one.  You cut everything up, throw them in the pot, cover it up, and put it in the oven.  Four hours later, you have a perfect beef stew and the whole house smells / fabulous.  The ingredient and equipment list is at the end of this video.


Start by preheating your oven to 325 degrees (Fahrenheit), cut 3 pounds of stew beef into one and one half inch cubes, then, put it into a Dutch oven, that’s a big heavy pot with a lid, looks like this.  Six different vegetables need to be cut and added to the pot.  First, peel and dice one large onion.  Second vegetable is red pepper, which needs to get cut into strips.  First, cut it in a half and clean up the stem and seeds with a parry knife.  Now cut the pepper into about one half inch strips. These are Turnips, our third vegetable, they are root vegetables, they need to get / peeled with vegetable peeler, and then cut up into chunks.


Using a Colander, quickly rinse the fourth vegetable, the mushrooms, and dried them with kitchen towel, then pop-up the stems.  The small mushrooms don’t need to be cut, but some of these large ones cut in half, so they’re all the same size.  Fifth vegetable is actually a fruit, four tomatoes, which need to be cut into wedges. The last vegetable, carrots are a breeze. Buy a bag of washed and peeled baby carrots. These are the perfect shape for our stew.  Add about half pound of them (carrots) into the pot.


Now for the bread crumbs: Measure one half cup of seasoned bread crumbs and sprinkle it over the ingredients in the pot. Two table spoons of instant Tapioca are going to help the stew have nice thick gravy.  Sprinkle one teaspoon of salt, one half tea spoon, and pepper over all ingredients as well. Finally the last ingredient, pour two cups of a nice hardy red wine over the whole stew.  The remainder of the bottle, you can serve it with the dinner. Cover the whole pot with its lid and put it in the oven.  Set the timer for four hours.  Don’t peek!


When the timer goes off, take it out of the oven and add one half pound of frozen pearl onions.  The hot stew will heat them up in no time.  Oh, wow, this smell’s wonderful!  Serve this stew with the nice rough of crusty bread.  What a feast…!  Enjoy…!


For the ingredients you’ll need: [see screen]


For the equipment you’ll need: Colander, a large knife, a parry knife, a vegetable peeler, a cutting board, and a Dutch oven, which is a large heavy pot with a lid.