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기초영어듣기/Common Mistakes in English-제니퍼ESL쌤

Lesson 6a -- Prepositions -- Common Mistakes in English

드디어 새해의 첫날이 밝았습니다!

여러분 모두에게 온세상의 행복과 즐거움 그리고 건강이 언제나 함께 하시길 두손 모아 기도 드립니다...!!!!

올해는 꼭 영어라는 넘을 발아래 무릎꿇게 만들어 봅시다!

You can eat a muffin at dinner.  So at plus meal is emphasizing the time of the day.  We can break a day into three times, three periods; breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  At dinner is telling you to wait until the last period of the day, the last meal of the day.     

You can have a muffin before dinner means first, you get a muffin, you eat it and now you can have your dinner.  

You can have a muffin after dinner means first, you eat this (meal or dish), and then you can have a muffin (as a desert!).  

You can have a muffin with your dinner.  It means you can have it all together (a muffin and dinner). 

You can have a muffin for dinner.  That means that’s all you get for dinner.  This is your dinner!  여기서 제니퍼쌤의 뜻은 머핀만을 저녁으로 먹어라 입니다.  비디오에서는 머핀이 놓여있는 접시에 뭔가 다른 음식이 있는 같지만 사실, 접시에 그려진 그림입니다…. 

Note, it’s always important to understand the whole situation. [see screen]
In order to understand the meaning, you need to understand the whole situation.   [
see screen

In this situation, for breakfast means that the muffin is being saved for breakfast.  It’s meant for breakfast tomorrow morning, not for now. So we’re talking about what’s meant for, what it’s intend for. [see screen

Both sentences are correct.  When the sentences stand alone, they mean basically the same thing.  [see screen

In this situation, ‘with’ is the better choice, because we’re talking about things that we eat together.  Bread goes nicely with soup, and it goes nicely with sauce.  [see screen

Here the better choice is at because we’re focusing on the meal time, he period of the day during which we eat bread. 

Now, let’s try exercise.  [see screen]

Read the entire situation to yourself and then I’ll tell you the answer. [see screen] 


Common English Mistakes Koreans Make (한국분 영어 잘못된말)

새해 특집으로 아직 한국으로 입국한 분은 아니지만 한글을 배우는 컴퓨터 전공 학생이신 매트님께서 한국어로 한국인들이 쉽게 저지르는 영어의 실수에 대해서 이야기 하는 비디오 입니다.  배꼽 잡는 사례들을 줄줄이 늘어 놓는데 아주 뒤집어집니다…!! ^___^

곧 입국 하시어 한국에서 본격적으로 한글공부와 전공을 병행 하실 예정이시라니 자주 더 많은 비디오를 유튜브를 통해서 볼수 있기를 기대해 봅니다.