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Writing Your Resume Cover Letter

Rich Alexander 氏의 강의는 상당히 짧지만 모든 내용이 직접적이고 get to the point식의 강의로 제가 아주 좋아라 하는, 제생각엔, 최고의 취업가이드라고 생각합니다.  이전에 올린 '취업 인터뷰' 요령 (바로가기)과 함께 체계적인 훈련에 많은 도움이 되기를 빕니다...  

In this coaching segment, we ‘re gonnatalk about the importance of writing a real good cover letter.  There are only two reasons to write a cover letter: first, to get your resume read, and second to raise a meeting. I highly prefer to use a cover letter to get a meeting. That’s what job hunting’s all about. Upon correctly, a cover letter can be incredibly effective and very powerful way to use one simple piece of paper. 


There are three basic elements to prepare an effective cover letter: they are, perform excellent research, makeit short to the point, and most importantly follow up quickly.  Research is the key to producing an effective cover letter. Before you write a cover letter, you should research the company.  Know the industry, its product, services, people, the most importantly the hiring manager, and what position you want.  Shorten to thepoint: you should construct your cover letter for only four parts. [See screen]  


Follow up quickly!  Following up the cover letter quickly is something most people just don’t do.  Butit will significantly increase your odds of getting in a meeting.  If you follow the advice I just gave you, you will have the ability to write an effective cover letter.  On this website there is a cover letter bootcamp which I recommend you to take, however, let me give you an example of a cover letter that you guide your strategy in all future cover letterwriting.  [See screen] 


If you look closely this letter, it covers all four points.  It gets reader’s attention because you stated that you were referred by person that they know.  It states directly the reason that you wrote this letter and it matches their need in business development with your experience in marketing, and it respectfully states that you will be taking an action by following up your letter. In job hunting, everything you do should be researched, direct, respectful and to the point.  So now go out there, research and send your first cover letter.  And don’t forget to attach your resume.


This is Rich Alexander.  Thanks so much for watching.  


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