In my first video
on writing a resume, we discussed ten rules for constructing an effective
resume. Well, now we’re gonna conduct
some basic training in actually help you write your resume. But, first thing’s first, if this is your
first resume in a long time, you should know that book store’s loaded with
books each helping you write the perfect resume. They all have very good information; however,
your goal is to write an effective resume that the reader will actually read. So, let’s discuss what you should do first.
1. Construct a resume that is
concise. No matter who the reader is
unless it’s your mother that they have so much time to get what they actually
want, so get to the point. One page’s
fine, two at the most.
2. Tailor your resume. Direct your resume to appeal as best as
possible to the people you want to read it.
This is a selling document and you will be remembered more if you say
what the reader is looking for.
3. Make the resume you. Since the resume will be the main document
that’s support who you are, you should be completely converse it everything on
it and be able to expand on all parts when you actually in an interview.
4. Use Key words. No matter what method of job hunting you use,
networking, web posting or direct mail, use the key words of expertise that
relates to leadership in your functional area, industry or hot topics in tans
that you yourself has an expertise with.
In order to complete your new resume, go to our download library and use the
resume content template and the resume writing worksheet to help you construct
a really effective resume. This is Rich
Alexander and thanks so much for watching.
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Vincent (Starry Starry Night) Don McLean