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How to Get a Job : How to Build a Cover Letter

이번주는 '취업영어'에 필요한 cover letter, resume, 그리고 networking에 관련된 주제로 정해 보았습니다.  미국에서 취업에 필요한 3단계의 스텝들 중, 첫번째가 이cover letter와 이력서 (resume) 작성입니다.  이전에 올린 영어로 하는 취업인터뷰 보다 사실 이부분이 먼저 올라갔어야 하는데 ....  

어쨌든 수많은 취업 이력서와 cover letter들 중, 어떻게 하면 나의 서류가 첫번째 서류심사를 통과 할수 있을까에 대해서 미국사람들은 어떻게 이들 서류를 평가하고 무었을 위주로 강조해서 보는지를 미리 안다면 성공적인 취업에 한발 더 가까이 다가갈수 있지 않을까 생각해 봅니다.

이 비디오들은 미국의 회사에 취업을 원할때의 경우 이므로 그대로 한국의 상황에 적용된다고 말하긴 어렵습니다.  그러나 영어로 작성된 서류를 한국회사의 미국인들이 보게 될 예정이라면 이런 방법들이 도움이 될수도 있지 않을까요?

Today we’re gonna talk about how to build a cover letter.  And you think about building a cover letter, there are the components to the cover letter that are extremely important for you to remember.  A cover letter can stream you in or out.  If you’re attaching a cover letter along with a resume, if you’re sending a cover letter based on a business proposal, there is some of the basics, the same basic components that you want to take into consideration.  

I would encourage you to take look at what are you going to say in this cover letter, who is it going to, and what’s the point or purpose of sending a cover letter.  The cover letters are like the best, also have your name, address and also your contact information at the top of the page, just like you would have resume.  And then when you completed that you would have top left the date, current date, and then the name of the person that you’re sending the cover letter to or the department if you don’t know the name of the person, it could be human resource department, the name of the company, accurate address or e-mail address if you e-mail it.  

And then you would have possibly a purpose of your letter if you sending the letter to a job number as an example.  You might put a job number 35214, and then if you do not know the name of the person, I would encourage you to say so: Dear Human Resources Professional,.   If you know the name of the person, I would go ahead and use a formality of Dear Ms. Jones, or Dear Mr. Jones,.  Go ahead and use you the formality; they would appreciate you’ve gone through to think about that. 

The first paragraph of the letter is about the company.  If you look at the many many cover letters as examples, they all start a paragraph with a letter I, not a letter, the word I.  You want to not have as many statements on your cover letter starting with the I.  So let’s do something unique and creative.  Think about: Dear Mr. Jones, ABC Company is an outstanding organization having been recognized far.  ABC Company is the company that is of strong interest or great interest to me due to your products and quality products that you develop.  Say something about the company.  Most people immediately start the cover letter with a letter with ‘I am applying’ or ‘I am writing to you’.  Say something about the company. 

The second sentence would be: so, Susan Smith referred me to you with hope having information of interview or Doug Arnold refers me to you in hopes that we would be able to sit down and explore the opportunities in your company.  I still haven’t said ‘I’.  The second paragraph would be my experience in the area of is directly supportive of the type of position that you’re looking to fill, or if you used an “I” in the second paragraph, you would say: the position posted for Product Specialist II is great interest to me.  I believe that my experience and expertise would be of value to your organization.  And then bullet two or three statements about why you believe you are an excellent fit.  

Then last sentence, paragraph would be: I would appreciate the opportunity to visit with you personally. Thank you for your strong consideration.  Best Regards, and your name and a space to sign it if you sign it, or if not, just your name.  And that’s how to build a cover letter.   

============================================             내일 나오는 비디오에서 리치 알렉산더氏의 cover letter에 대한 어드바이스가 다시 올라올 예정입니다.  보다 더 정확하고 체계적인 강의가 이루어질 것입니다.  하지만  오늘의 비디오에서 명심하셔야 할 사항은 바로 "You want to not have as many statements on your cover letter starting with the I" 이 문장입니다. 