How are you gonna plan to get the golf game back into (1. ____) ready for (the) next season?
Well, Nick I don’t know (2. ____) right now, I don’t know. Ah, because right now, it’s, I just hope I can you know get up out of bed and you go to bathroom, you know…. Little things like that (are) challenge. So, for me actually think about playing golf so far away, I’m just looking forward actually to walking again and putting weight on those legs for the first time. That’s are still ways off, but as far as golfer’s concern, I really don’t know how my (3. ____) gonna heal from this, I don’t know the time table for that when I can return, when I can start rotating on it? When I can start rowing the leg a little bit? And then from there, you (4. ____) have practice session, and you prep, and (5. ____) obviously ultimately play in tournaments. And so,I don’t know how long that’s gonna be.
Well, would you believe in line these things happened for reason and to be dealt this caught in stage of your career to be forced to take time off? What’s your feeling on that?
Well, Nick, it is what it is, you just deal with it. And you know playing at The Open I though I could have made it through, Intent was actually go through end of season, and then had the reconstruction done, but after the sustained stress fractures coming back. I decided (6. ____), and going into The Open, ninety two thousand molests of it ---- rest of the year, so for that stand point just disappointing, because this was I was really looking forward to some of the venues coming up the British Open, PGA, and Ryders Cup and the rest of the season, so that stand point, it’s disappointing, also then again good to be home with Sam and watch her growing and develops. So that stand point, it’s been a lot of fun.
Tiger, you’ve talked bit about the physical discomfort. How are you dealing with emotion, painfully?
Well, that’s the frustration thing. Yeah, you know, everyone knows I’d like to, I’m pretty (7. ____). I’d like to moving keep to going, and sitting still for me is not easy to do, but I don’t really have choice. As I said, couple of days ago it wasn’t very fun, but I’m on the good side now. I can actually start sleeping more, I say more than an hour at a time, so I get a little more rest, which is good. I’ve been (8. ____) pretty much, hu, everyday all day (long) I have moved from bedroom to couch, back to the bedroom and may be a few bathroom stops along on the way. That’s pretty much how my day goes….