Late Show: The Sarah Palin Debate Recap (Oct. 3, 2008)
signalhunt2008. 10. 6. 07:25
오후에 맥주를 한잔 해서 그런지, 이 비디오가 그렇게 배꼽을 잡게 만드네요.... :-) David Letterman Show에서 따온 클립입니다...
Ah, now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for a special message from the governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin:
"Oh, man, it's so obvious that I'm not ready to be the vice president!"
Now, ladies and gentlemen, here just another message from Sarah Palin, Sarah, take it away:
"But, I will tell American straight up that I don't know what the vice president does...!"
Thank you, And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for another message from Sarah Palin, Sarah?
"I have no experience. John McCain should have get rid of me...."
time for something, we call, "Sarah Palin Debate Recap". So this Sarah
Palin recap of last night' vice presidential debate:
"Joe six-pack, hockey mom, ahh say dating.., so Joe there you go again..., doggon it...nucler (사실은 nuclear로서 "뉴클리어"로 발음하는 건데, 새라는 여기서 "뉴킬리"로 발음해서 웃음거리가 됩니다..) weapon, u darn right, and I'll becha!, darn
right, there is a shout out to all those third graders in Gladiswood
elementary school, drill baby drill, John McCain's maverick, consummate maverick, send the mavericks from the Senate, and put them in the White House, and I've joined this team that is a team of mavericks... what do you expect the team of mavericks? the stinky corps?"
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