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Tailoring Your Resume Isn't Cheating 맞춤식 이력서 작성법

오늘 소개하는 비디오는 다분히 서양식 이력서 작성법 입니다. 하지만 한국에서도 특히 경력직에 응시 하시는 분들께는 도움이 될수도 있지 않을까요?   어느정도 경력이 쌓이고 세월이 흐르다 보면 이런저런 비슷하지만 다른 분야의 노하우도 쌓이게 되는데 이때 각각의 경험과 지식을 잘 분류해서 새로이 지원하는 직장에서 가장 필요로 하는 경험을 우선적으로 내세우라는 내용 입니다.




Do you ever feel pigeonholed when you’re looking for a job?  Well, make sure that it’s not you who’s doing pigeonholing.  

pigeonhole - place intoa small compartment  

Some job-seekers paint their skills and experiences in identical language whenever they send out a resume or go to the interview. That is a mistake. You absolutely have to reposition yourself for each opportunity.  Ask yourself what would be a most interest to this employer.  Then you have to answer with things that are most important to them.

·        요기서 중요한 내용 하나, 이력서를 작성 할 때 본인이 회사를 위해서 무었을 할수 있고 어떤 부가적인 가치를 줄수 있다라는내용을 강조하는 것이 가장 중요합니다. 회사는 지원자의 과거에 별 관심 없습니다. 가장 중요한 관심은 지원자의 능력이고 능력평가의 일환으로 과거의 업적을 심사 하는 것입니다.  

Is it dishonest to playup those parts of your background that related to the role that youseek?  No!  We’re not talking about misstating facts or lying which you obviously should never do. We are talking about positioning yourself so the first thing, a potential employer sees is how well you fit with their organization. 

  • Play up: v. foreground: move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent 

It’s perfectly legitimate to rephrase past job titles as long as rewarding reflects either the actual function you performed or your level of responsibility.  It’s also legitimate to modify job descriptions.  Moving to the top those achievements or activities that related most closely to specific role applying for now (example of ‘play up’). 

For example, maybe you’re a programmer, but you’ve demonstrated exceptional interpersonal skills, suitable for marketing or sales.  Techies have made moves like that based on how well they’ve managed their internal relationships.  In that case the thing to do is emphasize your communications ability.  

Another example, if you’ve got tons of international experience, but the jobs you’re applying for are all domestic, just remove the word ‘international’ from your resume where you can. Your accomplishments are still valid without it.  And you’ll put yourself into the context of the job you see posted.     

I’m cat Miller, this has been DiceTV. And now we return to your regular desktop.

Epic Parking Fail !!!