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If you’re unemployed and searching for a job, having your identity
stolen or receiving scam job offers just as in salt injury. Fortunately recruiting was one of the first
businesses to move online, and the industries experience means it's a pretty
safe place to operate. I’m
Cat Miller and this is DiceTV.
You should (be) always on guard against identity theft. You can protect yourself by using a little common sense, and following these tips.
First, provide limited contact information. Consider using a professional alias like innovative network specialist, or just your first initial and last name. Until you’re certain that you’re communicating with a legitimate employer or recruiter, provide only your city and the state of your residence and a cell phone number. Never include your social security number on your resume or the year you graduated from a college. You wanna make it as hard as possible for perpetuator to trace your identity.
Use a free e-mail account or a mail box dedicated exclusively to your job search. That way you can keep your search related emails separate from personal email, and then shut down the extra mail box once you’ve landed a position.
Provide additional information with caution. Yes, it’s possible that your ID can be stolen by your employer or staffing agency. But, landing a job requires trust, and legitimate employers and agencies take for cautions to make sure your data is secure. To be on the safe side, never give a prospective employer or recruiter your social security number unless you know why they need it. If the recruiter needs it for background check, ask which screening company will be used and whom will have access to the report.
- Recruiter, staffing agency: 둘다 한국에서 쓰이는 head-hunter의 의미 입니다. 엄밀히 말해서 head-hunter는 미국에선 통용되지 않는 말이기도 합니다. 전문용어로 ‘콩글리쉬”
- 비슷한 어감으로 "bounty hunter" 라는 단어가 있습니다. 뜻은 "someone who pursues fugitives or criminals for whom a reward is offered" 하기야, 둘다 사람 구해주고 돈받는 직업 이니까 ...
- 한가지 주의해야 할 사항은, (최소한 미국에서는) 지원자는 리크루트에게 돈을 전혀 주지 않습니다. 회사에서 리크루트가 천거한 지원자를 채용하면 지원자의 연봉중 10-20%에 해당하는 비용을 회사가 리크루트에게 지불하지만, 그렇다고 지원자의 연봉이 깎이거나 그런일은 전혀 없습니다. 지원자에게 돈을 요구하는 리크루트는 업종에 상관없이 100% 사기꾼이니 주의 하세요.
Research the senders of any e-mail to make sure they are legitimate recruiter before answering. Don’t response to any request for money or any advertisement offers to find you a job for fee. Remember if it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably a scam.
I’m cat Miller, this has been DiceTV. And now we return to your regular desktop.