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How To Write a Cover Letter, 영문 자기소개서 작성법

자기 소개서는 절대적으로 자신의 경험과 지식이 회사의 발전과 이익을 위해 어떤식으로 그리고 어디에 쓰일수 있다라는 점을 짧고도 강렬하게 표현하는 것입니다. 한장 내에 이루어지는 이 자기소개서야 말로 자신의 이력서를 읽게 만드는 것인지 아니면 이력서가 휴지통으로 직행하는 것인지를 결정하는 아주 중요한 편지 입니다.

그러므로 "몇남몇녀의 장남으로 태어나 화목한 가정에서 어쩌구 저쩌구" 하는 중구난방 식의 자기 소개서는 100% 휴지통 행임을 명심하시기 바랍니다. 회사에서는 지원자의 능력과 경험이 우선이지 그외에는 관심 없습니다.  인성은 면접 때 질문 몇개 해보면 금방 알수 있습니다. 그리고 추천서나 추천인과 통화 해보면 확인 됩니다.    

A resume without a cover letter is like a burger without a bun.  If you really wanted a job from somebody, you wouldn’t send him a burger without bun, would you?  Of course, not!  

You will need a computer, type writer or some other mechanical writing device.  A cover letter should never be hand written.  

Step 1: Address the letter to a specific person.  Writing “To whom it may concern” is lazy.  Tracking down the right person shows real maxi.   If you’re unsure who to write, call the company and ask.  Make sure you get their exact title and correct spelling of their name.  

Step 2: Open your letter with a short introduction it gets right to the point.  Say what position you’re after and how you found out about it.  

Step 3: Demonstrate that you understand what the company does and show enthusiasm for what ever that is.  Read through the company’s web site and find out details that you can mention in your letter. 

Step 4: Relate your past work experience to the current opening.  Don’t count on employers to connect the dots and realize how your previous job’s relevant. 

Step 5: If you’re responding to a job posting, adapting your writing to address specific things mentioned in the post.  Keep your cover letter short and concise.  It shouldn’t be longer than a page.  A few brief paragraphs is enough. 

Step 6: If you’re attaching additional materials, like port polio or real, mention that at the end of letter.  

Step 7: After thanking your reader, sign up with a suitable closing like Sincerely or Best and type your name on the next line.  If you’re mailing your letter, leave four blank lines between your closing and your typed name so you’ll have room for your signature.  

Step 8: Make sure you’re including all your contact information even if it’s already on your resume. 

Step 9: Proofread your letter carefully, word by word.  Have a friend read it over at least twice.  If you’re e-mailing the letter, send it to yourself first to make sure there is no formatting errors. 

Step 10: Send your letter and rest assure that your extra care will set you apart from crowd. 

Did you know (that) the average cover letter is an employer’s hands for eight seconds?

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