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Saint Patrick's Day



Learn three useful expressions related to St. Patrick’s Day







March 17 is Sr. Patrick’s Day. This holiday is originated in Ireland. But it has become a very popular American holiday as well. Now many Americans themselves have Irish roots. But whether you’re Irish or not, it’s still a fun holiday to celebrate. I’d like to share a few expressions connected to St. Patrick’s Day.


A symbol of Ireland is the shamrock, it’s three-leafed clover. Many see the shamrock as a symbol of good luck. In English we have many idioms and expressions about luck. One that I like and one that I think it very useful is “As luck would have it,” it’s way of explaining how things happen. How thing’s turned out. [see screen and listen]


Now one of the big events in St. Patrick’s Day is St. Patrick’s Day Parade. In every large city in America, there is a St. Patrick’s Parade. There is an expression in English, “Don’t rain on my parade.” This means I don’t want you to spoil my plans. I don’t want you to ruin my plans by saying something or doing something. [see screen and listen]


Now one reason I like St. Patrick’s Day is because it’s really the first spring’s holiday. I like it because March 17 reminds us that spring is “just around the corner”. This expression means that something is going to happen very soon. We’re expected to happen very soon. [see screen and listen]


I hope you’ve enjoyed this lesson and that you find the expressions I presented useful. Thank you for watching and happy St. Patrick’s Day!





Daily Pronunciation #69 - English Lesson – REMINISCE
