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English Idioms – Head 머리와 연관된 숙어



Learn English idioms connected to “Head”







Hello, I’m a very interesting and intelligent man.  Today my head and I will teach you some English idioms.  I bet you’ve never been taught by my head before.


Well, actually you haven’t taught by my head.  Anyway, as you know learning a foreign language is very, very, very difficult, and frustrating experience.  Yes, indeed.  It can be a very [bang], very [bang], very [bang], very [bang] difficult, and frustrating experience.  It’s like banging your head against a brick wall.  In English, if we try to do something seem to be impossible or make us frustrated, we can say “It’s like banging your head against a brick wall.” Of course, with my lessons, learning English is eeeeasy..!


Oh, yes, when you get an interesting and intelligent teacher like me, it’s very simple.  What do you mean I’ve got my heads in clouds? In English, if someone is not fully aware of a situation, we can say “he’s got his head in the clouds. 


Have you met my younger brother?  Now, I know what you’re thinking..  You’re thinking, you silly man, that’s not your younger brother. That’s an old man, but you’re wrong.  He’s got a old head on young shoulders.  In English, if a person seems older than they are, or if they talk or think like an old person, we can say, “He’s gotten old head on young shoulders.”  Ah, ladies, ladies, please.  Unlike me I have young head on old shoulders.


l       차이를 유심히 지켜보면 아시겠지만 어떻게 have got/gotten을 구별해서 사용할까요?  차이가 있을까요?  답은 그 차이는 없습니다. 둘다 사용할수 있습니다. 그러나 미국인들은 대체로 got을 많이 쓰고 영국인들은 gotten을 많이 씁니다만, 근본적인 차이는 없습니다.





English Pronunciation Lesson - NOTORIOUS - #261






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