지난번 포스팅 부터 전체 스크립트를 일방적으로 제공 하기 보다 중간중간, 듣기에 까다롭다고 생각되는 부분들을 공백으로 남기고 청취자가 직접 들리는 대로 적어본 후에 따로 정답을 제공하는 방식을 채택해 보았습니다.
오늘도 항상 즐거운 일만 가득 하시길 빌며, 자~ 또 듣고 받아 써 보입시다~~~!!
An international group of scientific experts came out today and said in no (1. _______) terms global warming is real and it's almost certainly cost by what we human's (2. ______) this planet.
And tonight the reaction runs the gamma (이부분에서 약간의 의역이 필요합니다. 즉, 오늘 발표된 지구 온난화의 영향 평가 보고서에 대한 반응이 "강렬하였다". 감마레이는 방사선 중 가장 강력한 에너지를 가진 것을 비유한 것으로 이해됩니다.); some says it's a (3. ______) call loud and clear. But, US Energy Secretary, Samuel Bodman, today call the America a small contributor to the climate change and call for a global discussion of today's report.
Climate change is increasingly a political issue, but (4. ______) report is all about science as we hear now from the NBC news (5. ___________) Dawna Friesen.
Nature has been driving home the message for years. Now in a (6. ___________) report, hundreds of climate scientists have for the first time confirmed that 90% certain man-made greenhouse gas emissions are causing (7. ___________) rates of global warming.
I think it calls cigar (8. ___________) on your back, because you begin to understand that for the first time in the history of human existence we fundamentally affected the systems that determine the life of human and the planet as a (9. ___________).
The report lists some already obvious changes arctic temperatures increase almost twice the global average rate in past one hundred years. There have been more intense droughts over wider areas especially, in the tropics. There has been less snow, fewer cold days and nights, and more killer heat waves. And the future, if we don't (10. ___________) gas emissions, they will only get worse.
If we keep emitting greenhouse gases at current rates, we will see bigger changes and coming in this current centuries than we did in last century.
They estimated temperature could rise between three point five and eight degrees and sea levels rise between seven to twenty three inches.
And it would also have (11. ___________) security and stability implications. It would certainly displace a very large numbers of people.
The report find out even if we dramatically reduce carbon emission starting today, so much (12. ___________) in atmosphere that the effects will be failed for centuries. There is no rewind button.
Today's report is (13. ___________) enough, but in April the scientists will release a second report. (14. ___________) in impact on climate changes could have on us. How it will affect on not only children being born today, but in generations to come.
Dawna Friesen, NBC News, Paris.
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