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고급영어듣기/뉴스와 화제

Do you have the time?

오늘은 2008년의 마지막 날 입니다.  올해초 지급된 365개의 총알을 효과적으로 잘 사용 하셨나요?  부디 여러분 모두 원하는 많은 일들 이루셨기를 바랍니다.  이제 새로이 지급 받게될 2009년의 365개의 신선하고도 따끈따끈한 날들을 잘 사용하시어 보다 발전된 우리 모두가 되기를 기원 드립니다.

오늘은 시간을 알려주는 시계에 대해서 CBS의 유명 시사고발 프로그램인 60 minutes을 골라 보았습니다.  한국의 PD수첩이 bench-marking한 프로그램으로 미국에서 역사와 인기가 대단한 프로그램입니다.

집에 굴러다니는 손목시계가 몇개나 되세요?

아래의 스크립트는 CBS에서 제공하는 것인데, 내용이 실재 말하는 내용과 좀 다른 부분들이 있어서 그 부분은 말하는 내용으로 교정 하였습니다.  원문 스크립트는 이곳에서 보실수 있습니다. (http://tinyurl.com/watch-script).  원본 비디오는 이곳으로 (http://tinyurl.com/cbswatch-video). 


I can't make out what it is with these people and watches. No one needs more than one to find out what time it is but most of us have half a dozen watches in drawers around the house that we never use. 

There are an incredible number of ads for watches in newspapers and magazines, so people must buy a lot of them. 

There is a whole special section. They look great in here, but most of them aren't time pieces, they're show pieces. 

If you wore an wrist watch like this, you'd probably go around all day with your sleeve rolled up so people could see it. 

The other day I asked Keith Kulin, who edits these pieces, to bring in any watches he had home so I could put them on my desk here. I was expecting four or five; this is what Keith brought in sixteen watches that no one in his house wears anymore. I think you'd find these in a lot of homes too. 

Watchmakers think of all sorts of clever ways to make watches look unusual so we’ll buy another new one. Different numbers, Roman numerals sometimes, other times they just indicate the hour with a dash or something. 

This is a clever watch, but what time is it? This was called the pocket watch. No one I know carries a pocket watch anymore. Pocket watches for men went out of style with vests. A vest always had a watch pocket but when men stopped wearing vests they stopped using pocket watches because there was no place to put one. 

This is the watch (that) I bought one watch several years ago because it only costs $9.99. (I was) going to give it to one of the kids for Christmas but I never did. I don’t like metal watchbands, my wrist hairs get caught in it. 

I pass stores all the time with windows full of expensive watches. I think a lot of women wear watches as jewelry. 

Watch like this ought to have a price tag showing instead of the time. The funny thing about an expensive watch like this is, it doesn't keep any better time than a cheap watch. 

I wear a cheap watch. Not a lot of extra stuff on the face. Keep perfect time. The only time I reset it is every few years when I put in a new battery. I wear it face down. 

This is a watch CBS gave me for being on 60 Minutes for a long time. I got it a long time ago, too. After all these years you'd think CBS could spend a little more money and give me a watch with numbers on it.

I'm Steve Croack and we will be back next week with another edition of 60 minutes.


제니퍼쌤의 Common Mistakes In English 비디오 시리즈는 2개가 더 남았습니다.  내일과 모레 이틀 동안 올라갈 예정 입니다.....!


그리고 이곳에 오시는 분들이 하루 400-600명 정도 되시는데, 희한하게 댓글 보다는 이메일을 좋아 하시는군요...  문제없습니다.  어떤식이든 의견교환이 된다는 것이 중요하니까....  댓글로 남기셔도, 이메일을 이용하셔도, 언제든 환영입니다....!! 즐거운 연말파티 즐기세요!  그래도 술은 적당히.... :-)

Bye bye, 2008 that we'll never going to see again ....!
