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기초영어듣기/숙어와 슬랭

Learn English Idioms (숙어공부)




Learn a few very simple, easy and useful idioms with Joe

Joe는 전형적인 개그맨 스타일의 영어 선생님 입니다. 많이 들어 왔고 자주 쓰이는 쉬운 숙어를 재미있게 배워 보시지요... :)






Hi, what’s up? I don’t mean what’s up. What’s up is an idiom. That’s an expression with words, what is up. Do not have a precious meaning; instead what’s up is a greeting, just feeling. You’re friendly with somebody; you want to know what they’re doing, so we say, What’s up? Now let’s learn some other idioms that you can use to make your English more colorful!


l        your English more colorful! 이 colorful이란 단어의 쓰임새가 다양 합니다. 여기서 사용된 의미로는 보다 다양한 이란 뜻으로 쓰였지요. 
Watch your colorful language!  말조심 하란 뜻입니다.
Sorry for my colorful words!  토론을 하다보면 자기도 모르게 강한 의미의 단어를 쓸수 있는데 이 경우, 급히 사과하는 의미로 쓰이기도 합니다.


as easy as pie”: our first idiom is as easy as pie. That’s just meaning something very very easy or easier than it looks. For example, we might say. I can do that, it’s as easy as pie. But, don’t say something like “walking is as easy as pie.” Of course, walking is easy, but that’s too obvious. You want to use “easy as pie” when something is a little bit difficult or seems difficult, but you can do it. So you have confident shows your feeling.

Two idioms similar to “as easy as pie” are “it’s a piece of cake!” or “It’s as easy as ABC.”


l        보통 공부 잘하는 사람들이 하는말, 공부가 제일 쉬웠어요! = Study was a piece of cake. Then I say Assh0le, it not that easy... Forgive me the colorful language, please!


Our second idiom is to “be all ears!” of course, somebody cannot have all ears completely, but that means they’re listening carefully. So if you’re very interested in somebody’s idea, go ahead and talk “I’m all ears.”


l        If you have any ideas for video selection, please tell me. I am all ears to your feedback!


Our third idiom is “to be chicken.” Of course, a person cannot be a chicken, but if you’re a chicken or just chicken, then that means you’re afraid.  And we often use this when somebody doesnt want to do something, “Ah, you’re chicken or don’t be chicken. Sometimes we don’t even say it, we just buak, buak, buak, and then they know that we think they are afraid.


l         Dont be chicken telling me what you have in mind for video selection and any other programs of the café…!

l         You wont become fluent in English if you chicken out to participate in discussion in English...!

l         If you dont get out of your groove, you will be a chicken forever!


When you learn idioms, you should be all ears and listen carefully and then practice. Don’t be chicken, just go out and try! That’s just as easy as pie!






English Pronunciation #74  WEARY