And this is what happens every single day.
How long it gonna take for her memory to come back?
Her doctors say it may never come back.
So, basically, what you're saying is~
-...she's perfect for you. -What do you mean?
You can hang out all day with no attachment, because
Her plane leaves every night? There's a problem with that.
-What is? -lt's evil.
No, it isn't.
You meet her, hang out, flirt, no commitment, nobody gets hurt.
-She's got brain damage, you psycho. -Okay, l'll give you that one.
But l think it'd be healthy for you.
You haven't allowed yourself to connect with a girl.
l appreciate your interest, but leave me alone.
Hey, you'd be doing exactly what her father does:
Giving her a wonderful day.
When it's time for you to go on your big boat trip, poof, you just leave.
She'll never even know you're gone.
l'm not sure about the ''poofing'' part, because l'm not a good poofer.
Demonstrate a good poof for me?
Quit busting my coconuts for five seconds.
All right. Would you stop poofing on that joint and do some work?
Okay. Let's get this sucker ready.
Then we're gonna take her out for a spin.
Captain's log: November 7th. Nearly midnight.
The Sea Serpent is fully recovered from her mishap...
..and ready to once again brave the open ocean.
l think my stitches opened up again, cuz.
You got a cat? Because l feel something licking me.
How is it?
Peanut Butter Cups. What are you doing here?
l just wanted to say hi to Lucy.
l promise you l'm not gonna do anything wrong.
What did Sue say?
She said that if l talk to Lucy, you'll kill me with a meat cleaver.
She's the boss, cuz. But don't worry.
Lucy probably didn't wanna talk to you anyway.
What does that mean? This ain't a disco.
She doesn't want guys hitting on her during her breakfast.
She does if it's Henry Roth.
Who that? Who that? Me that.
l bet you 20 bucks l can get her to have breakfast with me again.
You're on. l love it.
How you doing, honey? Hey, Sue. Nice haircut.
Oh, mahalo. See you in a bit.
Nick and l have an arrangement. You can trust me.
Don't worry.
You should try this out. Put it in there.
Swivelly door.
Waffleonians can
come in and out now.
Are you from a country where it's okay to stick your fingers all over someone else's food?
No, l'm from this country.
Why? Were you gonna eat that? Oh.
All right, well, have a good meal. Yeah. That was pathetic.
Yeah? Why don't you choke on your Spam?
Double or nothing tomorrow.
Hey. l'm sorry to bother you... but you look like a person who appreciates fine art so l wanted your opinion.
l drew this. lt's a picture of a father and son fishing off a fishing boat.
There's a walrus right there
Oh, you don't speak English. Okay.
Doesn't look Chinese.
Can l have that?
l need something to wipe my ass with.
Shut up.
l wonder what's the matter with him.
Looks like a stupid asshole to me.
Excuse me. Okay.
l didn't mean to startle you.
No, that's all right. l
Are you okay?
Yeah, l'm fine. l'm having a problem with something....
Something that l could help you with?
No, no, no. l just.... can't read.
You gotta be kidding me.
l can read that for you.
No. Thank you.
l can do this on my own. Appreciate the sentiment.
l'm gonna get an order of the.... Pan~ Pan~
Panku,, Caa~ Panclocks,,
Okay, l'll have pancake.
Pancah, Pancakes! Pancakes!
l'm so stupid!
Oh, don't cry.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Don't cry.
l don't know anything!
What a loser.
l'll tell you what. Why don't you sit with me?
You can have some breakfast and l'll help teach you some of the words.
All right.
That sounds nice.
Come on over.
Okay, thank you.
All right.
So l comes before the E?
Except after C?
Okay, and C is that little half a squiggly one, right?
l think l'm getting it.
How'd you get so good at teaching?
l'm a teacher. l do it all the time.
l'm an art teacher at the Halookiliki Junior High.
Well, you Halookiliki the kind of teacher all the kids have crushes on.
l know l would if l was in your class.
Oh, boy, do my~
My fingers smell like fish.
That doesn't gross you out, does it?
No, not at all.
lf Lucy gets hurt, l'm gonna chop you with the meat cleaver.
Okay, okay.
So l had a nice time.
Yeah, me too.
Thank you very much.
Let me get it for you.
Thank you.
l just want to eat you up, tomorrow and the next day, next day, next day....
l'll see you around.
Really? That's it?
That's what?
All that flirting... and phony lcan'tread stuff, and you're not gonna ask me out~ or for my phone number?
l can't read.
Oh, shut up.
That was one of the goofiest things l've ever seen, but l thought:
Hey, if this guy is so desperate to meet me... he might be worth talking to.
But then l get stiffed.
No, no, no, this is what happened. l....
Mahalo for the ego boost.
You're right. You're right. l feel like~
No worries.
l gotta, l can read a little! l didn't know L came before E!
That one l didn't know, l swear.
Oh, you idiot.
l hope you're happy, Shamu.
Marlin. lt's Sue.
Oh, aloha, sir. My name's Henry
l know who you are.
l want to apologize to your daughter.
Not gonna happen. She's inside.
We're gonna straighten things out.
Dad, the damn mongoose got in the garbage again.
ls this the guy?
Mr. Roth, l have one simple request. Stay away from my daughter.
Absolutely. l hurt her feelings and don't want it to end like that.
lt's gonna end like this.
Calm down, little fellow.
l'm gonna kill you! You're a dead man.
Okay, l'm calm. l'm calm.
Let me help you up.
l got it! l got it.
lt's just Dad and l work too hard to protect Lucy to let some idiot ruin it.
l know what you guys do and l totally respect that.
If you know her condition, you know, she can't have a normal relationship.
The next morning, she won't know who he is. And any guy who's okay with that...ain't okay with me.
l'm not looking for a onenight stand.
Anything with Lucy is, numbnuts. Give us a break. Just stay away from the Hukilau Cafe. My daughter's been through enough.
Okay. l'm sorry.
l could have whooped his ass, but this gravel, l slipped on it..
Yeah, well, maybe you need to do a few more butt flexes.
Cheap shot, Dad.
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