이번편은 상대적으로 표현들이 간단하고 집중해서 한 두어번 반복해서 들어보면 쉽게
뜻을 이해 할수 있을 것입니다. 듣기에서 정확히 듣는 것도 중요하지만 더 중요한
것이 '이해'하는 것이라고 볼때 듣기에만 너무 집중하다보면 문장의 뜻을 간과 할수도
있다는 점을 강조 합니다. 올바른 이해를 위해서는 이들의 생각방식을 먼저 이해 하는
것이 도움이 됩니다. 상당히 개방적인 듯 하지만 또한 상당히 보수적인 면이 강한 것이
백인들의 사고 방식 입니다. (아담 샌들러는 전형적인 백인영화를 만들고 주연하는
배우 중의 한명입니다.)
또 한가지 중요한 점이 이들의 말에 들어 있는 '리듬'입니다. 흑인들 특유의 리듬이
랩을 쉽게 할수 있는 요인이 되듯, 백인들의 말에도 리듬이 있습니다. 정형화 하기는
어렵지만 각 개인의 리듬을 주의깊게 느껴보면 어느 정도 사람마다 차이가 있음을
알수 있을 겁니다. 음의 높낮이를 글로 표현할수는 없지만 특정 문장에 들어 있는
호흡(들숨, 날숨) 부분을 [] 으로 표시 해 놓았으니 이 부분을 중심으로 잘 들어
보시면 뜻이 보다 쉽게 전달 될 것으로 믿습니다.
이런점에서 드루 베리모어의 대사 처리가 아주 탁월합니다. 특히 샌들러의 대충
뭉개고 지나가는 것에 비해서는 ... 보통 여배우들의 발음이 남성배우의 그것 보다
훨씬 쉽게 들리는 것도 아마 여성 특유의 짧은 음성 파장 덕분이기도 하지만
정확한 호흡으로 대사를 쳐주기 떄문에 이해하기가 용이한 것으로 믿습니다.
You're so lucky you're a professional cliff [] diver in Hawaii.
Yeah, well, it's a living. l'm a tax attorney.
We never get to have any [] fun. ls that right?
l'd like to do something extra fun tonight. Uh~ hu...
Wow, Taking it deep, aren't you?
Yeah, Hey Albert, How about another fishbowl for the lady?
Why don't l just tap a keg for her? Okay.
l think l'm getting kind of drunk.
Are you getting drunk? Getting there.
So, what are you thinking?
What am l thinking?
Actually, l'm not drunk at all, Noreen, and neither are you...
because there's no alcohol in these drinks.
Sadly, l've used this technique many times.
lt helps lovely tourists, such as yourself...
loosen up without impairing your ability to stay awake all night...
and have guilt-free, vigorous sex with me.
Wow. l'm sorry.
l'm not a cliff diver, either. l'm afraid of heights.
Well, since [] it's my last night in town...
can l pretend you didn't just say that and still have sex with you anyway?
l can't do it. l'm sorry.
Well, can you at least [] point me in the direction of someone who can?
That guy over there could help you out.
lsn't that a woman? Jeez, l'm not really sure.
But you're too drunk to notice, remember? Take care.
Hey, you. Aloha. Aloha.
Not aloha, ''hello,'' aloha, ''goodbye.'' We're closed today. Go away.
What are you talking about? Order up!
Don't move. l have to talk to you. Okay.
Hey! Tattoo-Face! Hey, Peanut Butter Cups!
Hi. Hi.
My fingers are extra fishy today, if you care to take a whiff.
What was [] that?
l was petting my walrus all morning and thinking of you the whole time.
Okay, pervert. l think that you should leave.
What? l was just joking around because of what we talked about yesterday.
l've never even met [] you.
Nick! l need help! Coming, Lucy.
Nick, put that down. l'll handle it.
You, follow me. Wait wait a, What's going on?
l was kidding around with you!
What's happening here? ls she crazy or something?
Lucy is a very special person. Very [] different from other people.
About a year ago, Lucy was in a terrible car accident.
She and her father went up [] North Shore [] to get a pineapple.
Her father broke some ribs, but Lucy suffered a serious head injury.
She lost her short-term memory.
So she can't remember anything?
No, no, no, no, she has all of her long-term memory.
That's a different part of the brain.
Her whole life, up to the night before the accident, she remembers.
She just can't [] retain any new information.
일상 회화에서 can과 can't를 사실 처음부터 분간 하기는 여간해서 쉽지 않지요..
보통 can은 아주 짧게 발음하고 can't는 약간 길게 발음해주는 경향이 있습니다.
can't에서 마지막 '트' 발음을 보통 거의 아주 약하게 나오기 때문에 처음 접하면
알아 듣기가 쉽지 않습니다.
lt's like her slate gets wiped clean every night while she sleeps.
Hold on. This sounds like something l would tell a psycho girl...
so she'd stop calling me. Am l the psycho girl?
l wish l was making this up!
She has no memory that she ever met you.
What about the pineapple-picking thing?
She says that every day, because each morning...
she wakes up thinking it's October 13th of last year.
She comes here for breakfast because that's what she did on Sundays...
and October 13th was a Sunday.
She has no idea it's more than a year later.
She reads the newspaper, though.
lt's a special paper her father puts on their porch.
lt's from the day of her accident. He got hundreds of them printed up.
Lucy does the same thing every day.
Hello! Back here.
Hi, Dad! Oh, hi, sweetie.
You got one [] without me.
The lady at the farmers' market gave it to me as a birthday present.
l didn't wanna hurt her feelings.
l think she likes you.
Yeah, what's not to like? What about our tradition?
Well, l have another idea. l painted my workshop yesterday.
Now it's too white. Gives me a headache.
Oh, yeah, you definitely need some color in here.
Well, you know, that's what l was thinking.
Woo Really? Yeah. Go nuts.
Paint me something nice for my birthday. l will.
And promise that we can pick a pineapple for Thanksgiving, okay?
Sounds great. good idea.
Hey, you should watch the Vikings game while l'm painting.
Good idea.
Yeah, baby. isolate. What are we eating tonight, Doug?
Spaghetti, Pop. Try not to sweat in the sauce.
Sorry, Pop.
Go Vikings.
Seven hundred and five. Seven hundred and six.
Seven hundred and seven. Hey, you guys.
Hey, sweetie. How's the painting coming?
Woo, You'll see. Cool.
Oh. What's the score? The Vikings are on the two-yard line.
lf they score, they bring it to 14-10. Maybe they'll win for your birthday.
And l'll bet Culpepper runs it in.
l'll bet he fakes a handoff to Williams, throws to Kleinsasser in the end zone.
Loser does the dishes? You're on.
keep the offense on the field.
Culpepper fakes a hand off to Williams. He will throw.
He's got Kleinsasser in the end zone! Touchdown, Minnesota.
Doug, you're good.
Maybe you should be a coach.
Dad. Moron! ,,, That hurt.
And you don't look a day over 25.
Yeah, right, and Doug's muscles aren't pharmaceutically enhanced.
What? l use an herb supplement...
that can be purchased at any health-food store. Check this out.
Check out these glutes. Rock-hard, baby.
Pretty sweet, huh?
Stop it! You're gonna make me throw up on the cake.
Okay, just open your present.
Okay. Let's see what we've got here.
The Sixth Sense.
Hey! When l'm done doing the dishes, do you guys wanna watch it?
Sure. Sure.
Ben Friedkin?
Some people, they call me freak.
Ronald Sumner? I am. I am a freak. Look at me.
Just give me a chance
l can't believe it. Bruce Willis is a ghost.
l'm just.. I'm shocked. Did you see that coming?
No. Not a clue.
Shocked as hell. Anyway, it was awesome.
Happy birthday. Love you, Sis.
Your muscles are getting so big, l can barely wrap my arms around you.
You like that? Check this out.
Okay, okay, OKAY! Enough with the titty dance! Let your sister go to sleep.
l like it. Sweet dreams, Lucy.
Good night. Good night.
Hey, Tracy, how you doing?
Well, things changed a little bit since high school.
뜻을 이해 할수 있을 것입니다. 듣기에서 정확히 듣는 것도 중요하지만 더 중요한
것이 '이해'하는 것이라고 볼때 듣기에만 너무 집중하다보면 문장의 뜻을 간과 할수도
있다는 점을 강조 합니다. 올바른 이해를 위해서는 이들의 생각방식을 먼저 이해 하는
것이 도움이 됩니다. 상당히 개방적인 듯 하지만 또한 상당히 보수적인 면이 강한 것이
백인들의 사고 방식 입니다. (아담 샌들러는 전형적인 백인영화를 만들고 주연하는
배우 중의 한명입니다.)
또 한가지 중요한 점이 이들의 말에 들어 있는 '리듬'입니다. 흑인들 특유의 리듬이
랩을 쉽게 할수 있는 요인이 되듯, 백인들의 말에도 리듬이 있습니다. 정형화 하기는
어렵지만 각 개인의 리듬을 주의깊게 느껴보면 어느 정도 사람마다 차이가 있음을
알수 있을 겁니다. 음의 높낮이를 글로 표현할수는 없지만 특정 문장에 들어 있는
호흡(들숨, 날숨) 부분을 [] 으로 표시 해 놓았으니 이 부분을 중심으로 잘 들어
보시면 뜻이 보다 쉽게 전달 될 것으로 믿습니다.
이런점에서 드루 베리모어의 대사 처리가 아주 탁월합니다. 특히 샌들러의 대충
뭉개고 지나가는 것에 비해서는 ... 보통 여배우들의 발음이 남성배우의 그것 보다
훨씬 쉽게 들리는 것도 아마 여성 특유의 짧은 음성 파장 덕분이기도 하지만
정확한 호흡으로 대사를 쳐주기 떄문에 이해하기가 용이한 것으로 믿습니다.
You're so lucky you're a professional cliff [] diver in Hawaii.
Yeah, well, it's a living. l'm a tax attorney.
We never get to have any [] fun. ls that right?
l'd like to do something extra fun tonight. Uh~ hu...
Wow, Taking it deep, aren't you?
Yeah, Hey Albert, How about another fishbowl for the lady?
Why don't l just tap a keg for her? Okay.
l think l'm getting kind of drunk.
Are you getting drunk? Getting there.
So, what are you thinking?
What am l thinking?
Actually, l'm not drunk at all, Noreen, and neither are you...
because there's no alcohol in these drinks.
Sadly, l've used this technique many times.
lt helps lovely tourists, such as yourself...
loosen up without impairing your ability to stay awake all night...
and have guilt-free, vigorous sex with me.
Wow. l'm sorry.
l'm not a cliff diver, either. l'm afraid of heights.
Well, since [] it's my last night in town...
can l pretend you didn't just say that and still have sex with you anyway?
l can't do it. l'm sorry.
Well, can you at least [] point me in the direction of someone who can?
That guy over there could help you out.
lsn't that a woman? Jeez, l'm not really sure.
But you're too drunk to notice, remember? Take care.
Hey, you. Aloha. Aloha.
Not aloha, ''hello,'' aloha, ''goodbye.'' We're closed today. Go away.
What are you talking about? Order up!
Don't move. l have to talk to you. Okay.
Hey! Tattoo-Face! Hey, Peanut Butter Cups!
Hi. Hi.
My fingers are extra fishy today, if you care to take a whiff.
What was [] that?
l was petting my walrus all morning and thinking of you the whole time.
Okay, pervert. l think that you should leave.
What? l was just joking around because of what we talked about yesterday.
l've never even met [] you.
Nick! l need help! Coming, Lucy.
Nick, put that down. l'll handle it.
You, follow me. Wait wait a, What's going on?
l was kidding around with you!
What's happening here? ls she crazy or something?
Lucy is a very special person. Very [] different from other people.
About a year ago, Lucy was in a terrible car accident.
She and her father went up [] North Shore [] to get a pineapple.
Her father broke some ribs, but Lucy suffered a serious head injury.
She lost her short-term memory.
So she can't remember anything?
No, no, no, no, she has all of her long-term memory.
That's a different part of the brain.
Her whole life, up to the night before the accident, she remembers.
She just can't [] retain any new information.
일상 회화에서 can과 can't를 사실 처음부터 분간 하기는 여간해서 쉽지 않지요..
보통 can은 아주 짧게 발음하고 can't는 약간 길게 발음해주는 경향이 있습니다.
can't에서 마지막 '트' 발음을 보통 거의 아주 약하게 나오기 때문에 처음 접하면
알아 듣기가 쉽지 않습니다.
lt's like her slate gets wiped clean every night while she sleeps.
Hold on. This sounds like something l would tell a psycho girl...
so she'd stop calling me. Am l the psycho girl?
l wish l was making this up!
She has no memory that she ever met you.
What about the pineapple-picking thing?
She says that every day, because each morning...
she wakes up thinking it's October 13th of last year.
She comes here for breakfast because that's what she did on Sundays...
and October 13th was a Sunday.
She has no idea it's more than a year later.
She reads the newspaper, though.
lt's a special paper her father puts on their porch.
lt's from the day of her accident. He got hundreds of them printed up.
Lucy does the same thing every day.
Hello! Back here.
Hi, Dad! Oh, hi, sweetie.
You got one [] without me.
The lady at the farmers' market gave it to me as a birthday present.
l didn't wanna hurt her feelings.
l think she likes you.
Yeah, what's not to like? What about our tradition?
Well, l have another idea. l painted my workshop yesterday.
Now it's too white. Gives me a headache.
Oh, yeah, you definitely need some color in here.
Well, you know, that's what l was thinking.
Woo Really? Yeah. Go nuts.
Paint me something nice for my birthday. l will.
And promise that we can pick a pineapple for Thanksgiving, okay?
Sounds great. good idea.
Hey, you should watch the Vikings game while l'm painting.
Good idea.
Yeah, baby. isolate. What are we eating tonight, Doug?
Spaghetti, Pop. Try not to sweat in the sauce.
Sorry, Pop.
Go Vikings.
Seven hundred and five. Seven hundred and six.
Seven hundred and seven. Hey, you guys.
Hey, sweetie. How's the painting coming?
Woo, You'll see. Cool.
Oh. What's the score? The Vikings are on the two-yard line.
lf they score, they bring it to 14-10. Maybe they'll win for your birthday.
And l'll bet Culpepper runs it in.
l'll bet he fakes a handoff to Williams, throws to Kleinsasser in the end zone.
Loser does the dishes? You're on.
keep the offense on the field.
Culpepper fakes a hand off to Williams. He will throw.
He's got Kleinsasser in the end zone! Touchdown, Minnesota.
Doug, you're good.
Maybe you should be a coach.
Dad. Moron! ,,, That hurt.
And you don't look a day over 25.
Yeah, right, and Doug's muscles aren't pharmaceutically enhanced.
What? l use an herb supplement...
that can be purchased at any health-food store. Check this out.
Check out these glutes. Rock-hard, baby.
Pretty sweet, huh?
Stop it! You're gonna make me throw up on the cake.
Okay, just open your present.
Okay. Let's see what we've got here.
The Sixth Sense.
Hey! When l'm done doing the dishes, do you guys wanna watch it?
Sure. Sure.
Ben Friedkin?
Some people, they call me freak.
Ronald Sumner? I am. I am a freak. Look at me.
Just give me a chance
l can't believe it. Bruce Willis is a ghost.
l'm just.. I'm shocked. Did you see that coming?
No. Not a clue.
Shocked as hell. Anyway, it was awesome.
Happy birthday. Love you, Sis.
Your muscles are getting so big, l can barely wrap my arms around you.
You like that? Check this out.
Okay, okay, OKAY! Enough with the titty dance! Let your sister go to sleep.
l like it. Sweet dreams, Lucy.
Good night. Good night.
Hey, Tracy, how you doing?
Well, things changed a little bit since high school.