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[3] 50 First Dates - part 2

시간은 정말 무진장 빨리 흘러 갑니다...
일주일에 한번은 올리려고 생각만 하고 결국은 이렇게 늦어져 버렸군요... -_-
어쨌든 올림픽에 정신 팔린 와중에 이렇게 다시 돌아 왔습니다... ^^

이젠 형식을 좀 바꾸어서 듣기에 약간씩 헷갈릴수 있는 부분에 집중적인 해설(?)을
붙이는 방식으로 진행 해 보겠습니다. 의견을 남겨 주시면 적극적인 반영을 물론

휴~ 이제 몇군데 해설을 업데이트 했습니다...
요즘 일이 많아지면서 시간 내기가 쉽지 않네요....
뭐, 첫술에 배부르겠습니까?  천천히 조금씩 하다보면 좋아지겠지요...
역시 가장 중요한 것은 반복입니다.
듣기 영어의 지름길은 듣고 또 듣기 입니다....


l think she's a local girl.
l wanted to go up to her...

...but l was kind of off my game.
But, man, was she cute, though.

l thought you liked your bitches from out of state.

Yeah, that's usually my policy. Make sure l don't get tied down.

Freeze that image right there.

There's the little fella.
Congratulations, Mommy.

Sounds to me like someone is afraid of commitment.
이게 틀린 표현은 아니지만 약간 어색한 느낌은 듭니다.
보통은 'Sounds like someone ~' 이렇게 많이들 쓰는데 여긴 특이하게 Sounds to me like ~ 를 썻군요... 아마 이 여자(남자?)가 외국인의 억양을 쓰기 때문일까요...?
사실, 순수 미국사람들 보다 자기 나라의 억양이 섞여 있는 사람들의 말을 알아 듣기가 더 힘들더군요... 특히 인도영어.... 완전히 죽여 줍니다... 나중에 기회가 되면 다시 언급을 하지요...)

Let me guess.

Your high school sweetheart got drunk at party...

...then cheated on you with whole wrestling team.

Close. Actually, it was my college girlfriend Tracy.

And it wasn't a wrestling team. lt was her academic adviser.

-Oh, she liked the older man.
-Older women. About 50 years older.

l hope you shot the stupid tramp.

What's with the ''tramp'' and the ''bitches'' talk?

-Are you drunk or something?
-l apologize for nasty talk.

l am grouchy due to lack`of recent physical intimacy.

Shut up, because here comes one-time-only opportunity.

What l will do now is go into your office and become naked.

Next move is up to you.

l may not be as limber as l once was...

...but l make up for it with enthusiasm and willingness to experiment.

l don't know if you realize, l'm not into guys.
여기서 꽤 재미난 표현이 나옵니다.  'l'm not into guys'  다른말로 하면 'I'm not interested in guys. 정도 되는데, into의 여러가지 의미중 여기서 사용된 의미가 일상 회화에서 상당히 빈번하게 사용되고, 또 interest보다 음절이 짧기 때문에 쓰기도 쉬운것 같습니다. 예를 들면,
"Hey, how'd you like a berger for lunch?"
"Well ~, I'm not much into berger..."

Hey, Mr. Peanut Butter Cups.

Hey, Mr. Could-Kill-Me-in-One-Punch. How you doing?
어릴 때 부터 워낙, 문법위주의 영어 교육을 받다보니 한국인들은 거의 본능적으로 회화를 할 때 문법에 맞는 문장을 만들기 위해서 노력을 하게 됩니다, 하지만 colloquial english 즉 구어체 영어에서는 자세한 문법이 상당부분 무시됩니다.  How (are) you doing?이 실제로 귀에 들리기로는, '하~유두잉'으로 들리게 되지요... 그래도 어느 누구하나 시비걸지 않습니다.. :)

-You're back.
-Couldn't get enough of that Spam.

Fry some up and throw some eggs on it.
아담 샌들러가 은근히 말을 빨리하는 경향이 있습니다. 처음 들으시고 이걸 정확히 받아쓰셨다면 상당한 경지에 올라 있다고 자부 하셔도 좋겠습니다. 해석을 하자면 '프라이팬으로 계란 몇개 구워바라' 정도 되겠지요. 계란구이(!)도 반숙, 완숙, 스크램블, 롤 등등, 가지수가 많아서 주문할 때 상당히 주의를 요합니다.    

-You got it.
-All right, mahalo.

-Hi, Lucy.
-Hi, Nick.

You know, why don't you try this?

lt's kind of a hinge.

-Now, why didn't l think of that?
-Well, you're too close to the project.

Don't be hard on yourself.

Right. Sometimes you need an outsider's perspective.

Fresh eye never hurts.

l'm Lucy.

Yes. l'm Henry Roth.

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

lt's pretty. Keep up the good work.

Wait. l see you're sitting there alone. Do you wanna come and sit down?

-Sure, that'd be great, if that's all right.

-So are you an architect?
-l am not. l'm in fish.
그러고 보면 전치사를 가지고도 상당히 다양한 의미를 쉽고 간단하게 전달 할수 있네요.  앞에서 into가 나왔고 여기서 in이 나왔는데, 여기서는 '~에 종사한다'의 뜻임을 쉽게 아시겠지요? 한국식 문법으로 '고기 안에 있다'는 뜻이 아니라... 일전에 어느 인기 드라마 에서 나온 유명한 대사가 "내안에 니 있다"를 영작하면 "You're in me (or in my heart)."  

Oh, that's where the smell is coming from.

Yeah, yeah, l was feeding a walrus this morning...

...and l thought l got most of it off of me, but guess l didn't.
상당히 난해하지요, 듣기가?  사실 이걸 정확히 듣기는 ... 어렵습니다.  이럴 땐 그냥 대충 눈치로 짐작하는 수 밖에 없습니다. 보통은 이런 표현은 잘 쓰지 않습니다. 그냥 "I thought I got them all off of me." 정도 쓰지만 작가의 대사를 정확히 전달하는 것이 또한 배우의 의무이니 이렇게 혀가 꼬이는 대사도 잘 처리 하는군요. 역시 샌들러가 좋은 배우입니다...

-l love that smell.
-No, you don't.

-Fish don't even like that smell.
-No, l do. My dad's a fisherman.

He and my brother Doug, they go out to sea for months at a time.

And l miss them so much while they're gone that when they come back...

...l just hold on to them for five minutes each.

And they smell just like your hands. lt's the best smell in the world.

Well, my fingers are available for your sniffing pleasure anytime you need them.


Sea lions are known for their athleticism...

...and dolphins are known for their intelligence.

-Walruses are known for their....

Their tusks. Also their male parts can get pretty gigantic.

Yeah, yeah, it's the second biggest out of all the mammals.

-What's the first?
-l think Tattoo-Face.

l like your laugh.

l like you making me laugh.

l hate to break this up, but we're setting up for lunch.

Oh, okay. Sorry, Sue.

And the real cool thing about walruses is they're very mysterious.

-Yeah, yeah.

We don't really know what they're like in the wild.

Don't they just sleep on icebergs and yawn all the time?

That's all we really see is what they do outside of the water...

...but who knows what they do under the ice...

...where they spend two-thirds of their lives.

Well, maybe they're intimidating the other creatures with their big winkies.

That is one theory.

-l have to go.
-Where're you going?

lt's my dad's birthday, and we go every year and we pick a pineapple.

-lt's a tradition.
-That sounds nice. Okay, well...

...l had a great time.

-Me too.

Would you like to have breakfast again tomorrow morning, same time?

-Because l teach an art class at 10.
-Oh, Really?

-l wish l could make it...

...but, yes, l will be there.

-Take care.

-One for the road. lt is fishy.
-Got you good.


See you tomorrow.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my goodness.


l had a bee on me.
역쉬 여기서도 on으로 길어질수 있는 문장을 짧게 만들어 주는군요.... 우리식 영작으로 하자면 "I was attacked by a bee..." 뜻의 차이가 나지요? 여기선 "벌이 달려든다" 정도의 의미.

-All right.
-He was a big one.

Which means ''look at those two shitheads.''

That was the stupidest-looking swing l've ever seen.

l'm gonna take a Molokai on that one.

No throwing. Come on.

Stop laughing, you hyenas. Let's see what you get.

Okay, you heard me. Go! Go!

Show papa what you got.

-You suck, you're good at everything.
-Father of the Year strikes again.

By the way, cuz, l met this sexy, blond tax attorney at Starbucks today.
여기서 'cuz'은 사촌을 뜻하는 cousin의 준말입니다. 영화를 보시면 이런 줄임말이 상당히 많이 나옵니다. bro = brother, pop = father, sis = sister, nanny (or nana) = grand mother, pappy = father or grand father, doc = (medical) doctor, cop = police, 등등

l told her you the kahuna she wanna have fun on this island.

You want her number?

You pimping tourists for me again?

Yes! l live vicariously through you, remember?

My life sucks.

Now, come on. Give her the Waikikiki sneaky between the cheeky.

Ula needs it. This way l can imagine l did it and then l can get through another weekend.

l'm staying in. Sorry. Thank you, though.

-Hey, Dad!

Not now, Keanu Mokokokakau.

But your stitches are bleeding.

lt must've been my huge back-swing.

You think you can stitch me up after l get back from surfing?

-Yeah, looking forward to it.
-l wouldn't surf with a bleeding wound like that.

You might attract a shark.

What's wrong with that? Sharks are naturally peaceful.

ls that right? How'd you get that nasty cut, anyway?

A shark bit me.


Go smoke another one, bro.

That shark theory's starting to catch on.

Now, will everybody keep it down...

...while l whack the crap out of this thing?

Sit! Stay! Shit! No!
이거이 아주 재미있는 예가 되겠군요. sit, sheet, shit을 구분해서 발음 하실수 있겠습니까?
전 보통 한단어로 말하기 보단 두단어를 연결해서 말함으로써 발음상의 한계를 극복합니다.
sit down (시다운)
a sheet of paper (시~트 오브 페이퍼)
shit (이건 그냥 그대로 쉿!으로 발음 합니다... ^^)

Where the hell is it?

Looking for something?

Oh, my God! What are you doing here?

The same thing you are. Looking for my ball.

This is weird. l've been thinking about you all morning, all day.

Can't wait to have breakfast with you again tomorrow.

l know. And l just wanna eat you up.

-Yeah. Tomorrow and the next day...

-...and the next day and the next day.
-All right. Okay.

Oh, my.

Oh, Lucy, that feels so good.

No, my nipples are too sensitive. Stop that.

-What happened?
-Your ball hooked into that cart...

...bounced back and hit you in the head. lt was freaking hilarious.

-Who's Lucy?

And what's up with your nipples?

l can't be falling for a local. l ain't ever going back to that diner.
제가 개인적으로 좋아라 하는 표현입니다. 뭔가에 푸~욱 빠진다는 의미이니 사랑에 포~옥 빠져버린다는 뜻이지요...

-This where you got hit?

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