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[2] 50 First Dates - part 1

이 영화는 2004년에 아담 샌들러와 드루 베리모어가 주연한 로맨틱 영화 입니다.  제가 개인적으로 좋아라 하는 배우들이 주연한 영화이고 나오는 표현들이 일상 생활에 많이 사용되는 것들이라 시작 작품으로 선정 하였으니 다분히 주관적인 선택이라 하겠습니다.

우선 시작 10분동안의 영화를 먼저 감상 하시지요... 물론 한글이나 영문 자막은 없겠지요?

어떻습니까?  어느정도 이해가 되시나요?

영어 듣기 공부에서 가장 효과적인 방법이 받아쓰기 입니다.
문법을 완전히 캐무시 하시고 들리는 대로 받아써 보십시요.
스펠링 신경 쓰지 마시고 들리는 대로 빠른 속도로 받아 써 보세요.

한번 듣고 받아 쓴 후, 쓴 내용을 다시 한번 읽어 보시고 클립을 보면서 쓴 내용과 영화에서 나오는 대사를 매치해 보십시요.  얼마나 말이 되나요?

들리지 않는 부분 혹은 이해가 되지 않는 부분이 있습니까?
그러면 틀린부분을 집중적으로 5번을 반복해서 들어 보세요.

잘 안들릴 것으로 사료되는 부분은 볼드체와 함께 한글로 표시를 해 보았습니다.
연음이나 반복되는 스펠은 상당부분이 생략되므로 처음엔 듣기 어렵지만 자꾸
반복 하시다 보면 점점 들리게 됩니다.

"보이는 것은 들을수 있다...!" 

자, 그러면 아래의 스크립트를 먼저 한번 쭉 읽어 보시고 클립을 다시 보세요.
스크립트를 덮으시고...

So tell me. How was Hawaii?

-lt was unbelievable. (표정을 잘 살펴보시면서.... )
-Oh, yeah?

-Well, what happened?
-l met this guy.

lt was the best week of my life.

lt was just a little vacation romance.

But he was so sweet.

He took me to all these cool local places. (쿠ㄹㅗ칼 플레이스)

We went scuba diving....

-Mountain climbing.

We went cliff diving.

Well, we got a little drunk.

-He gave me....
-A back rub.

We slow danced....

--in the rain.

But it wasn't just about the sex.

He pounded me like a mallard duck.

lt ended kind of weird, though. (표정과 몸짓)

When l asked for his number, he said he's....


-Entering the priesthood.
-He doesn't believe in phones.

He just kind of ran away.

You know, it was just a little fling, but....

l won't forget my week....

--with Henry Roth.

-Henry Roth.

Harry Paratesticles. (주의해서 들어 보시면 들립니다... :)

-Henry Roth.
-Henry Roth.

-Henry Roth.
-Henry Roth.

Henry Roth, why didn't you tell me you were a secret agent? (디드ㄴ... '트' 발음이 거의 들리지 않습니다.. 보통..)

l prefer intelligence operative, and l couldn't tell you until l knew you.

Well, can l call you when I land?

You can call me, but I'll be in Peru. I said that a little loud.

Come on, that's a 187, code blue. We got the wolf sleeping at night.

He's slipping his arm in the drawer and out comes the cookie jar. All clear.

Got it?

Well, maybe when you get back from Peru.

-l don't think that's an option, Lisa.

l know. l changed your name for your protection.

We have to go our separate ways now.

Well, goodbye.

Got it! Moving out!

-What the hell is your problem?
-Just keep going, l'll give you $20.

-You got it. How's your balls? (여기서는 testicle을 의미함.. ㅋㅋ)
-Killing me. Hit it.

Easy, Honah Lee.

Hey, l'm a person, not a seal.

Well, l am a vet, not a doctor. So just hold still, or l won't give you a treat. (vet = veterinarian, 수의사)

l know, it's okay. You see that, kids?

You see what happens when you play with sharks?

Now, why you gotta spread those lies? Sharks are like dogs.

They only bite when you touch their private parts.

That's a good title for my documentary.

Sharks: They Only Bite When You Touch Their Private Parts.

Or you could call it, Sharks: They Tried to Eat My Kidney.

All right, enough already. You too, Willie.

All of you.

He just cast a spell on us.

All right. Put this on four times a day for two weeks.

-You can handle that.
-What's wrong with that turtle?

Lung problems because he smoked too much turtle weed...

...which is bad for you. Right, Ula?

What? l don't smoke weed.

Hey, Honah Lee? How's that hot wahine nympho from Ohio? (뭔 뜻인지 저도 모름다.. -_-;;)

Great. l dropped her off at the airport this morning.

Come on, l need some details.

You get some booby, some assy, a pull on your poi-poi? Come on.

Daddy, what's a nympho?

Oh. The nympho is the state bird of Ohio.

You're the state idiot of Hawaii.

Here you go. Bite the fish, chew the fish, love the fish. Enjoy.

-You crack me up, kamaaina.
-Oh, yeah?

-One of these days...

...you'll show one of those tourists such a good time...

...she'll wanna stay on the island. (want to)

Why do you say mean things like that...

...and why is your foot on my pillow?

l don't want your ass on it, either. Get up! Get up!

lt could happen.

Then you won't be able to go on your boat trip to Alaska.

You'll be stuck here, waking up next to the same old, ugly broad, just like Ula.

-Just kidding, guys.
-About the old part or the ugly part?

Henry, come quickly!  lt's Jocko!

Jocko! What's going on with you, buddy?

Don't be scared. Everything's gonna be fine.

Just stay calm. All right.

Willie, l don't need you to see this. Get out of here, now!

Okay, check the temperature of the pool. Go! Hurry!

What are you doing? l meant check the thermometer!

Give me a hand. Let's go!

Get me two fish from the barrel. Now.

-Just hang in there.

-lt's gonna be all right.

That's a little warm.  Go to the bottom of the barrel, please.

Okay, there. That's good. Thank you.

Come on, buddy, take it. Take it.

-He's not responding!
-l know, Alexa!

Sorry, l smacked you. You needed the fish-slap to calm down.

-Do you understand? Are you calm?
-Yes. Fish-slap calm me.

l'm gonna try to get him breathing manually...

...so l need your face next to his mouth to see if it's working.

-Are you ready?

-One, two, three!
-Nothing, nothing!

All right! Try it again. lf it doesn't work we'll perform a tracheotomy.

We don't wanna do that, so let's pray this works. One more time.

One, two....

That's a lot of vomit.

This is why l got into this business.

To save sea animals.

You should go wash yourself off, okay?

Maybe try some turpentine. That might take the stink away. (스팅커웨이)

Yeah, high-five is right, buddy.

l knew you were gonna burp, but the vomit thing was awesome! (바미딩)

That's what she gets for eating my roast beef sandwich.

Willie, did you see that?

Captain's log: November 5th, 6: 45 a.m.

I've taken the Sea Serpent for a trip around the island of Oahu.

It is by far the longest voyage she has yet undertaken...

...and its completion will signal that she's ready...

...for our great journey to Bristol Bay...

...whose unspoiled walrus habitat will yield an abundance of--

Damn it!

Are you kidding me?

Aloha, honey. What can l get for you?

l guess l'll take a cup of coffee.

-You guess?
-Yeah, l already ate breakfast.

l need to kill some time before the Coast Guard gets here to tow my boat.

What did you eat?

l had a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and some Gatorade.

They're not breakfast. l get you Spam and eggs.

Nick, l need Spam and eggs.


-You like the peanut butter cups?

Want me to put peanut butter cups in your eggs?

No, that's okay.

Peanut butter cups.

-Hey, Sue, nice haircut.
-Mahalo, Lucy.

Are you staring at me or her?  
Because you're starting to freak me out.

Settle down and eat your pancakes, huh?

자 이번에 다시한번 클립을 보시면서 빠르게 받아쓰기를 해 보세요,,,
쭈욱 한번에 하기보단 10-20초 정도 분량의 대사를 받아쓰고 한숨 쉬시고
또 계속하시길 하면 그래도 좀 나으실겁니다.

이렇게 듣고, 받아쓰고, 확인하고, 또 듣고, 받아쓰고, 확인하는 과정을 거치면서
눈과 귀는 점점 보고 들은 내용에 열리게 되는 겁니다. 

하루에 30분 집중해서 하시면 한달 정도 지나면 이 영화 한편 정도는 자막 없이
이해 하시는데 별 지장 없으실 겁니다.

어느정도 이해가 되면 배우들의 대사에 길려 있는 감정의 흐름과 바디 랭귀지에
실려 있는 뜻도 어느정도 쉽게 이해가 되실겁니다.... 


다음편에서 루시와 헨리의 본격적인 로맨스가 시작 됩니다....
예습 하고 싶은 분을 위해서...