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What makes your weekend so special?

People get stressed by daily life such as work load and pressure, relationship among other people at work and personal life.  Despite overnight sleep, there is always residual fatigue.  Especially, I have always less sleep than what I need to fully recover due to chronic amnesia.  So I always wait for a weekend like other people, but I would like to address a few specifics that make my weekend so sweet. (4 sentences) 

First, the more stress I get, the sweeter weekend I have.  There is an old saying: "No pain, no gain!"  Whenever I work hard under pressure such as multiple incoming due dates, I get easily stressed.  It becomes often not easy task for me to take enough overnight sleep due to continuous concern of my work.  Work related stress disturbs my good night sleep, and left over fatigue is then carried over to the next day.  This pattern readily accumulates a great deal of stress over week days and a weekend shall be the last chance to relieve all stresses and fatigue. Therefore, I always notice that I had a good working week whenever I feel much happier than previous Friday: thus the sweeter I feel on Friday evening, the more productive week I had.  (8 sentences) 

Second, complete rest without any activity over a weekend doesn't always guarantee full recover.  Sometime, I feel that I need a complete rest without doing anything over a weekend, and then become a couch potato.  Stay inside and minimize movement except changing TV channels with fingers.  Then, Sunday afternoon I start feeling fatigue, which becomes greater in the next day morning.  Well, what I learned from the experience is the complete rest doesn’t mean to be a complete couch potato.  Now, I try to find something useful and good for physical and mental health.  These activities could be varied by people, but I like surfing the Internet, going to grocery shopping with my family, and raking leaves, etc. (7 sentences) 

For the conclusion, what makes my weekend so specific and sweet depends on how I mix rest and weekend activities.  Sweet rest is necessary and the balancing it with appropriate weekend activity is essential for me.  (2 sentences)  


자, 이건 제가 쓴 에세이 입니다.  베스트는 아니지만 제가 생각하는 바를 나름대로 적어 본 것입니다.  시간은 약 30분 정도 걸렸습니다. 스펠링도 체크하고 문법이나 관사의 사용법등도 체크 했지만 아마 틀리다고 느끼시는 분들도 계실겁니다.

그래도 왜 제가 주말을 좋아 하는지 의미는 전달이 되나요?  어려운 단어의 사용은 전문용어를 써야만 하는 경우를 제외하고는 전 쓰기를 좋아하지 않습니다.  쉬운단어, 누구나 쉽게 이해할수 있는 단어를 사용하는 것이 원활한 대화의 기본이라고 생각합니다.

제가 쓴 문장을 설명한다는 것이 좀 거시기 하니, 누구라도 자신의 에세이를 댓글에 달아 주시면 다음주에 특집으로 함께 공부해 보는 시간을 마련하겠으니 숙제로 받은 에세이나 편지글, 혹은 다른 어떤 글이라도 같이 공부할수 있기를 원하시는 분은 글을 남겨 주시면 최선을 다해서 다음주말 영작 시간에 같이 생각하고 고민할수 있도록 하겠습니다.  댓글보다는 이메일로 보내고 싶으시면 제 메일 주소는 signalhunt@gmail.com 입니다...

즐거운 주말 되세요~~
