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What Hiring Managers are Thinking 외국계회사 면접관들이 보는점

로또 해 보셨습니까?  당첨번호를 미리 안다면 수백억 부자 되는건 식은죽 먹기입니다.  마찬가지로 면접관의 의중을 미리 안다면?  면접이 한결 수월해지고 면접에서 좋은 결과를 얻을수 있습니다.  오늘의 비디오는 면접 (interview) 에서 면접관들이 지원자에게서 기대하는 것들에 대한 내용입니다.  특히 한국에 있는 외국계회사의 외국인들과 면접을 본다면, 필수적으로 준비해야만 하는 기본적이지만 그만큼 중요한 사항들이니 좋은 참고자료가 되리라 생각 합니다.   



So, it's interview day and you're sweating, because all you want to know is: "What is the interviewer thinking?" Well, if stick around, I might tell you.  I’m Cat Miller and this is Dice TV! 

Surprise! The first thought across the interviewer’s mind is not likely to be about how you’re dressed.  Instead, they’re praying that you are gonna be the right person for the job.  They’ve already talked to a lot of candidates and they still have this opening to fill.  What they really want is that the next person who walks through that door and that’s you to be the right one.  That doesn’t mean you’re off the hook, though, so don’t get all lay back about your cloths.  Because whether or not you look professional is the next thought there goes through the interviewers mind.

  • Lay back = loosen, too comfortable to be formal, 

Too often candidates, particularly those without a job, show up wearing less than appropriate clothing.  Don’t wear flip-flops or worn out jeans.  If you can’t make a good judgment call when it comes to interview attire, interviewers will be willing to meant that you don’t make good judgment calls anywhere else.  Even if business casual is company policy, don’t wear kakis.  Recruiters say / you wanna look as polished and professional as you can.  

  • Meant,  여기서는 ‘mean’ or ‘think’가 보다 (문법적으로) 정확한 단어겠지만 이렇게 미국인들은 가끔 틀린 단어나 시제를 사용 하기도 합니다. 문제는 아무도 시비 걸지 않는다는거……. 

Next the interviewers want to see that you have done your homework.  Be sure you’ve looked at the company’s website and identify issues and trends in the industry.  Go over the job posting and brainstorm the kind of confidence ­­­­­_____ hiring manager’s looking for, from attention to detail, communication skills to leadership capability.  Then think about your achievements and how they link to those qualities.  

  • _____ 여기 뭔가 있는데 도저히 알아듣지 못하겠습니다... -_-;; 관계대명사 that 정도 넣으면 되는데 발음상으로 ‘s’가 들리는것이, 혹시 whose ??  들리는분, 댓글 달아 주삼

The next one is obvious or should be.  Don’t be late!  It is just unacceptable.  Scope out the location in advance two hours before or even a day before.  When you do that extra leg work, you’ll be on time and you’ll save yourself a ton of stress.  

  • leg work  아주 좋은 표현 입니다. 자주 접할수 있고 뜻 또한 좋은 뜻 입니다.  부지런하다, 발발 거리고 돌아 다니다, 빠꼼이가 되어라 등등정도로 해석 됩니다. 
    • You gotta do some extra leg works to figure out the new system as quickly as possible, especially when you start a new position. 
    • You should do lots of leg works if you wanna become a go-to guy (= expert) in your field. 

Finally, if there is bad blood between you and a past employer, just keep it to yourself.  Never bad mouth your past supervisors, employers or coworkers.    

I’m Cat Miller. This has been Dice TV. And we now return you to your regular desktop.