Learn what the
interviewers want to hear from the interviewees.
취업면접의 바람직한
준비방법 중 하나가 바로 면접위원의 마음과 의도를 먼저 이해하고 준비하는 것이라고 생각 합니다. 과연 면접위원들이 취업준비생들로 부터 듣고자 하는 말은 무었일까요?
면접관들이 듣고 싶은 말을 먼저 할수 있다면 취업경쟁에서 보다 유리할수 있지 않을까요? 그 방법을 오늘 배워 봅니다….
Hi this is Katie Ronny
on behalf of the
One of the crucial
points in an interview is to allow the candidate time to explain his or her
career. They have probably prepared for
this for quite some time particularly if they wanted your job. They know the buzz words, they know the
answers, they have been on-line. They
are prepared for interview questions. So, what you’ll get is feeling from them.
Why did they start their search, what is about their company that made them
want to look around or why did their last position end? What let them do your
company? How did they find you, or they
are friend of coworker, are they relative of your boss? Or did you actually locate them through some
type of resources online or what net
[here something strange word.].
You want to kinda
get to feel why they’re at your company’s door step and why they feel that they
are good fit? You’ve gone over their
resume, you’ve gone over all of their experiences, what you want to hear them
say is “I’m a good fit with this company because ~”, “I’m gonna fit into this
culture because ~”, “I’m excited about this company because ~”. So this is good time to let them know, let
them prove to you why they’re gonna be a good addition to your company. Also an
important thing to address is their future.
Where do they see it going, where did they are projected career headed,
things that nature. You know they may or
may not be a good fit with your company depending on where he or she wants to
Daily Pronunciation #40 - English Lesson – OATH