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That 70s Show - Leo moments




Let’s learn some daily expressions






Leo, man, this place’s mess. Yeah?  You should see my garage! This is your garage. Well then you see what I mean, it’s mess. Hey, Leo, there is a car in here. It’s El Camino! Why? You think it’s mine? The plate says Leo’s. No, I mean the car. This guy.. huh?


Yeah, life just hasn’t been the same since I lost the van. You know, it’s hard to get chicks when you don’t have wheels. I mean, sometimes a killer body just isn’t enough. Amen to that brother. OK, I’ll sell the El Camino to you for .. 500 bucks! 400! 600! 700! No, damn, wait, that’s the wrong way. Uh, 500! No, 500! Sold! Sucker..!


l        Sucker 라는 표현을 자주 듣게 되는데 뜻은 쉽게 설득 당하는 사람을 통칭 하는 것으로 다른 말로는 push-over가 있습니다


OK, here are the keys!  You know, I was going to give the car to my son on his 16th birthday. Then, my old lady took him and split (= divorce). Yeah, Leo, said sorry. Keys..please? .I can’t sell you the car. Oh, man.. I guess I understand. Thanks, man. Hyde, I want you to have this car. What? No you just said that you couldn’t sell the car. Well, I’m not selling it, I’m giving it to him. He’s family, he’s the son I’d never had. You just said you had son! Hyde is the son that I’ve never had. Hey, Leo, thanks, you the best: the car, love, wicked burn on Kelso? Hey man, need lift?


l        Lift 여기서는 데려다 주는 수단으로 사용됩니다. 다른 말로는 Need a ride?


Leo, I’m gonna return this. Hey, I only said it was gold, not real gold. I know, it’s.. Donna and I broke up.  What? What happen to the love? I don’t really feel like.. NO! if you kids can’t make it, who can? Tell me who? Why God, why?





Daily Pronunciation #46 - English Lesson – ULTERIOR






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