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TOEFL listening test 106

From http://www.youtube.com/user/ouliogroove

Passage 6: Listen to part of conversation at a job interview. “Job Interview”

Hi Beth, you are applied for a position in food services? Yes, I need some extra money. That’s fine. Most students do. Well, I need to spend some time working, but I’m hoping you have some part time work. But, I won’t have to commit to for whole school year. Yes, there are some different types of work in food service, but why don’t you want to work for the whole school year? Well, I might, but my grades are important and I don’t want to work too many extra hours, and not be able to keep my grades up. Of course, why don’t I find out some information from you and then I can talk to you about possible openings. Sure, that’s fine. Have you ever worked in food service before, a restaurant or food kiosk? Well, yeah, I guess you would call what I did working in food services. I was selling soft drinks and sandwiches during a festival in my home town last summer. Sure, that is a part of food services and may be even similar to something you could do here at the university.

Do you have time work on weekends? Yes, but I would early like to work one day of the weekend. Well, you know the fall is football time on our campus; the games bring thousands of people to our campus and to the stadium. We have concession stands inside stadium, and this type of work might be something you would be interested in. Yeah, that might just be what I’m looking for. If you would work in concession, you would need to be at the stadium about three hours before a game. Even though the crowds don’t start coming until about an hour before the game, you will need to set up the inventory and get ready to sell. You would probably need to start making popcorns and get the hotdogs into the cooker, and also start cheese melting for nachos and ice down to bottle of water. Then you would need to stay at the concession stand during the game and probably for about an hour after the game to make final sales and to clean up. So what you are saying is that I would be working one day each weekend during the football season, and that I will be working about 7 or 8 hours each day?

Yes, and you would only be working with food. Another person in the booth will handle all payments and money. You do need to cheer for this position because you will be working around people and you will always need to be friendly and helpful. Well, I like people. Although I’d like to keep busy on weekends. I will loose a day of studying though, but then I will still have part of the morning to study or the evening if the game is in the afternoon. Or I could just better use my time on Sunday that I was ready about to right number. But, if I could limit my work time to one afternoon or evening a week, I would like to think about working throughout the year. If I like the job, would I be able to continue in the winter during the basketball games and during springs sporting events? Of course, if you are a good employee and want to continue to work campus events throughout the year, there would be opportunities to do so. If you are interested, then you could start this Saturday for the first game of the season. I think I would like to try it. Great! I will give you this tax and health forms, which need to be filled out. I would tentatively put you on the work list for Saturday. You will need to get all the paperwork back to me by tomorrow though. Thanks for stopping by. Beth, I am glad we could find some work for you. I think you will enjoy it and it will give you a little extra cash.

Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you to answer.

30. What does the student need from the food service manager?

31. What does the manager imply about food services?

32. What is an example the manager gives the student of the kind of work which might be available?

33. How long will the student work during the football season?

Listen again to part of the conversation, then answer the questio
“and you would only be working with food. Another person in the booth will handle all payments and money. You do need to cheer for this position because you will be working around people”

34. What does the manager mean when he says this?
“and you would only be working with food “


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