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[TOEFL] Listening test 401 (6:47) 토플 듣기시험



  • What is the Alternative Dispute Resolution?
  • Is mediation allowed to all 50 states?

    사회활동이나 사람간의 일에서 언제나 의견의 일치만을 기대할수 없겠지요어떤 이유에서든 분쟁이 생기면 항상 법정에서 해결책을 찾기보다는 적절한 타협점을 찾는 것이 양측 모두에게 도움이 됩니다특히 회사간의 분쟁을 조절하는데 이런 협상은 더욱 중요한 도구가 됩니다오늘의 강좌는 이런 분쟁 조절 기능에 대한 강의 입니다. 




Listen to part of the lecture / in a business class.  Alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

Now, all of you know / that business relations can go sour / and sometimes deals are broken / and the solution needs to be reached.  That’s why I want to talk to you today about ADR / or Alternative Dispute Resolution.  Some of you may have talked a little or a lot about ADR / in one of you law classes and that’s great.  You will find an overlap and that’s OK.  ADR is really becoming a viable way to resolve problems without going to a court / or it can be a way to short cut of lengthy court process.  So if you have heard of some of this before, listen again because / what you’re going to hear today / has the possibility of being very beneficial to you / in your business endeavors / and might even help you / in other aspects of your life / when there are disputes which need to be resolved.  So / let’s get started.

ADR stands for alternative dispute resolution.  It’s an alternative way to solve problems, a way to resolve problems without the intervention of courts in the legal system.  Think about each of the three words: there has to be a dispute, the dispute needs to be resolved, and it is an alternative way to the traditional method of resolving problems in business / and the traditional way is / through the courts.  ADR is popular / in all of the states / and in fact some states permit types of ADR to happen before a lawsuit is filed.  Now not all states allow that so in most cases / we’re going to be talking about a process that takes place to try to resolve of that problem / after a lawsuit has been filed.

  • problem / after  여기서 나레이터의 숨쉬는 소리가 느껴 지시나요?  그게 뭐 중요하냐? 하시겠지만, 중요한건 전치사절 after의 바로 앞에서 숨을 쉰다는 것입니다.  앞의 문장을 보시면 이 전치사 절이 없어도 전체 문장의 의미전달엔 문제가 없으므로, 이 전치사 절에서 제공하는 정보는 부가적인 정보라는 걸 알수 있습니다. 

    이렇게, 말하는 사람의 호흡에서 이 사람이 생각하는 정보의 경중을 유추할수 있다는 것이 중요한 점 입니다. 이것은 특히 영어로 비즈니스를 하는 경우, 협상장에서 오고가는 영어대화에서 상대방의 의도를 정확히 파악하고, 숨기고 싶어하거나 드러내고자 하는 의중을 문맥에서 읽어내야 할 경우에 아주 유용하게 써먹을수 있다는 점에서 신경을 써야할 부분 이라고 생각 합니다.

There are several types of ADR.  One of the most popular is / mediation.  Mediation is a process where the third person, a person who is neutral and doesn’t have interest in what the solution is, plays a role / and the process where a mediator / in neutral / trys to encourage and help to resolve a dispute / or problem between two or more parties.  Now you won’t know / that the court hearings are adversarial / that is, lawyers are representing their parties / and present the best case they can for their party.  But in mediation, there is difference, is a non-adversarial process, and that means / that lawyers take off their hats as lawyers and work with clients to solve the problems with the other party. 

  • trys to encourage  이부분이 좀 이상하게 들립니다. 처음엔 in curate zone으로 들리더군요.  정확하게 encourage로 들리셨나요?

  • that means / that lawyers 일반적으로 mean 뒤에 절이 올 경우, 숨표(pause)를 줌으로서 다음에 올 내용에 대한 집중을 유도 합니다.

  • that means / that lawyers take off their hats as lawyers and work with clients to solve the problems with the other party. 여기서 처럼 한번 숨을 쉰후에 상당히 긴 문장을 한번의 긴호흡으로 쭉~ 읽어 나가면, 따라가는 우리는 중간에 뜻을 잊어먹기 쉽습니다.  이런 경우는 일반 회화에서는 드물고, 이렇게 강의나 발표자의 입에서 자주 들을수 있는데, 이건 반복연습을 통해서 문장의 직청직해 능력을 올리는 것외, 따로 요령이 없군요 

The process is non-adversarial / and it is informal.  There are no rigid rules that have to be followed / as in a court proceeding.  The objective of mediation is for the parties themselves to decide what is the best way to solve the problem.  You know that in a trial that either the judge or jury will make a decision for the parties.  So that is one of the beauties of the mediation.  The parties are the ones who have voice and the decision making process and in the decesion itself.  It won’t be the mediator who makes the decision.  It will be the parties themselves.  The the mediator’s role is to help the parties identify issues and encourage to joint decision making and explore settlement options. 

  • to decide what is the best way to solve the problem 밑줄친 부분의 문법적 오류를 눈치 채셨습니까? 이전에 말씀 드린대로 oral conversation에서 문법은 그리 따지지 않지만, 우리는 배우는 입장이니 정확한 표현으로 바꾸어 봅니다.

    관계대명사 what이 이끄는 절은 동사 decide의 목적어 역활을 하는 목적절 이므로,
    to decide what the best way to solve the problem is 가 정확한 문장 입니다.

Another advantage of mediation / is that it is confidential.  Usually what happens is this / a lawsuit is filed, then at some point the judge can order the parties to sit down and try to resolve the issues / with one of the lawyers or a party to the lawsuit can / ask the court / to order mediation.  Now that part of the process is known by the court, but nothing is told to the court about what is discussed in the mediation session.  And sometimes / more than one session is needed to work through all the problems.  So that’s another plus, it’s confidential.  If the parties don’t reach a solution, then there is a report made to the court that there was no agreement reached / and the lawsuit continues. 

Now even agreement is reached, then the agreement is filed with the court, and the agreement is binding on the parties.  If a party decides not to follow through with the agreement, then everyone can go back into a court and the parties who are not following the order can be punished with some kind of sanction.  Another thing, the parties must be mediating in good faith.  Now that doesn’t / mean that they have to reach an agreement.  They just have to try to reach an agreement, but in reality / a great percentage of the lawsuits / which are mediated do get settled outside of the court.  I’m not going to talk about how mediators are trained or chosen / where the actual process involved in mediation.  If you are ever in a situation where you need a mediation, those are things which you can find out then.  Also remember that / not all states will have the same rules to pertaining to mediation or any of the other ADR methods, but I have talked to you today about the concept of the mediation and how it generally is structured.  So next time we will talk about other types of ADR. 

  • If you are ever in a situation where you need a mediation  제니퍼의 강세에 대한 강의에서 function word에는 일반적으로 강세를 주지 않는다 하였고 in 은 전치사로서 function word입니다.  하지만 여기선 의도적으로 in에 강세를 주고 있습니다.  그 이유는 이곳에서 보다 자세한 mediation에 필요한 테크니컬한 점, 어떻게 중재자 (mediator)를 훈련시키고 구하는지 등등의 문제는 실재 중재가 필요한 상황에 접하게 되면이란 뜻을 강조하기 위함입니다.

    일반적인 규칙은 규칙으로 알아 두지만 이 규칙이 반드시 따라야만 하는 법은 아니란 점을 염두에 두시고 유연 하면서도 탄력적으로 상황에 맞게 강세를 이용한 리듬감을 익히는 것, 이것이 현실영어를 제대로 배우고 사용할수 있는 지름길 입니다. 


1.What is the talk mainly about?
a) Business relations
b) Advantages of mediation
c) Mediation
d) Disadvantage of mediation

2.In the lecture, the professor describes some advantages of mediation. Indicate whether each of the following is an advantage instructor discussed.  Click in the each box for correct phrase.
a)Time to resolve
c)Parties make decisions
d)Mediator makes the descision
e)Avoids a trial

3.Why does the professor mention the role of the mediator?
a)To explain why it is important to choose a good one
b)To explain how the is involved in the process
c)To explain that he should be aware of the facts of the case
d)To explain he will be involved in the decision making

4.According to the professor, what is one important goal of mediation?
a)To have the parties resolve their own problems
b)To have the court resolve the parties problems
c)To have the mediator resolve the parties problems
d)None of the above

5.Why does the professor mean when he says this
a)It will be more helpful to take this class even if some students have learned the same parts already
b)The professor does not want the studentsto think they know everything they need to know about ADR
c)The professor wants his students to understand the concept of ADR
d)All of the above

6.Why does the professor say this
a)To express the uncertainty of resolving problems
b)To explain what is meant by the word mediation
c)To explain what is meant by good faith
d)To explain how long they have to mediate              





  1. Alternative dispute resolution, n. an argument between two or more people
    In a civilized society, any dispute can be resolved without violence.

  2. relations can go sour , a. Of or relating to excessively acid
    The business plan turns sour.

  3. You will find overlap and that’s OK. , v. To have an area or range in common with. 
    The new project will overlap with the on-going projects.

  4. ADR is really becoming a viable way , a. Capable of success or continuing effectiveness; practicable:
    The president’s stimulus plan will be viable as long as the fund works as planned.

  5. a way to short cut of lengthy court process., a. Tediously long; drawn-out:
    We should cut in half this lengthy meeting.

  6. beneficial to you / in your business endeavors, n. concerted effort toward an end: enterprise
    The government endeavored to improve the quality of life in the inner city.

  7. without the intervention of courts, n. To come, appear, or lie between two things: You can't see the lake from there because the house intervenes.

  8. some states permit types of ADR, v. To grant consent or leave to (someone); authorize:
    Please permitted him to explain.

  9. You know that in a trial that, n. lawsuit
    I will become a tral lawyer because I love standing up and argue in a court room.

  10. Another advantage of mediation / is that it is confidential. , a. secretive
    Could you keep our conversation in confidential?
  11.  a lawsuit is filed, , n. trial

  12. try to resolve the issues. , v.  To find a solution to; solve.
    A dispute always requires resolving in some way.

  13. the agreement is binding on the parties. , v.  To place under legal obligation by contract or oath.: abide by
    The contract between you and me binds the deal with a down payment.

  14. can be punished with some kind of sanction. , n. Authoritative permission or approval that makes a course of action valid
    A court order is a sanction that must be followed, otherwise punishment is applied.

  15. the same rules to pertaining to mediation. , v. To have reference; relate:
    Police acquired the evidence that pertains to the accident.


Daily Pronunciation #36 - English Lesson – KNACK



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