눈은 쏟아지고 집안에 고립되다보니 할일은 없고 이전 글들을 보면서 틀린부분을 수정하면서 글올린 시점을 무의식중에 갱신 했더니 어라, 최신글이 되버리네요.... ㅠㅠ
토플은 기본적으로 미국 대학이나 대학원으로 유학오는 학생들을 대상으로 대학수준에서 구사되는 영어의 이해도를 측정하는 것이 목적인 만큼, 어휘와 문법, 발음, 속도, 문장의 이해도와 요약능력이 어느정도 수준에 올라있는 상태에서 응시 하시기를 추천합니다.
또 한가지 유의 사항은 토플의 듣기 영어 주제가 상당히 다양 하다는 것입니다. 주로 강의나 인터뷰 혹은 토론을 주제로 삼기 때문에 일반 영어 뿐 아니라 풍부한 일반 상식이 크게 도움이 될수 있습니다. 다양한 주제가 나온다고는 하나 정치와 종교 혹은 민감한 사항에 대해서는 거의 나오지 않는 편이라고 생각됩니다.
그럼 도움이 되기를 빌며, 들어 갑니다....
Directions: This section measures your ability to understand conversations and lectures in English. You will hear each conversation or lecture only one time. After each conversation or lecture, you will answer some questions about it. The questions typically ask about the main idea and supporting details. Some questions ask about speaker’s purpose or attitude, answer the questions based on what it were taken or implied by the speaker. You may take notes while you listen. You may use the notes to help you to answer the questions. Your notes will not be scored. In some questions, you will see this (headset) icon. This means that you will hear, but not see part of question. Some questions have special directions. These appear in a grey box in the screen. Most questions are worth one point, or questions worth more than one point have instructions indicating how many points you can receive. You must answer each question. After you answer, click next, then click OK to confirm your answer, and go to the next question. After you click on OK, you cannot return to previous questions. You will have 20 minutes to answer the questions in this section. A clock at the top of the screen will show you how much time is remaining. The clock will not count down while you’re listening to test material. Note: in the listening section of actual test, you will both hear and read the questions.
Passage 1: Listen to part of a lecture in a business class. “Business organizations”
Today we are going to discuss the formation and openization of businesses. One other reasons I want you to understand about types of businesses is that nearly half of new business is failed within the first two years. As business students, you need to understand the formation of the business, to understand your role in the business world after your graduation from the university. If you’re in accounting major, you need to know about businesses for different reasons, then business students you continue onto study role. If you are thinking about getting a degree in marketing or management, you need to have an understanding about the composition of the types of the business organization you are working for. You will find out various types of business organizations and that there are differences in each kind because of different factors which must be thought about and which are important when forming a business organization.
The primary considerations for deciding on the types of business organization are liability, taxes, and continuity. The three main types of businesses I wan to talk to you about are the sole propriety ship, the partner ship, and the corporation. The propriety ship is probably the simplest type of business organization. For example, if you enjoy gardening, like working with flowers and vegetables, and want to begin a business of your own without anyone else being involved, then a sole propriety ship is what you’d probably consider. This type of business is rather easy to form. All you need to do is to find an open sign, hang on a door, and you are in business. You will be the person making decisions about where you want to locate a business, what items you will sell, and how much you want to charge for items. Advertising and your methods of marketing your products will be your decision. You will decide hours of operation, whether to hire employees, and make decisions such as whether you want to expand in the future or keep the size of your business small. You personally will be responsible for keeping track of income, paying expenses, and filing taxes. Common sense tells you what advantages and disadvantages of propriety ship are. In a propriety ship, you have advantages of making your own decisions, and spending as much or little time as you want with your business. If the business is successful, you will be the reason. If it fails, you will also probably be the reason. Some of disadvantages are very obvious. How many hours do you want to work each day or week? What happens to the business if you want to take a vacation? Will you have problems if you can not supply all of your customers needs? What problems may result if you are not good record keeper? If your business fails and you are suppliers, then you will personally be responsible to them.
Because of some of these disadvantages I just mentioned, some people prefer to form a partnership. There are various forms of partnerships, but as business students you need to understand what basic or general partnership is. A partnership is a voluntary association between two or more people who carry on a business for the purpose of making a profit. For example, you and the friend decide you want to buy houses, fix them up and make them repairs, and then resell them. If one of you has money to invest and the other has talent such as construction experience to invest, then you can form a partnership. If both of you have money to invest and no construction experience, then you can also form a partnership. If you both have construction experience but no money, then as a practical matter to make a partnership work, you’d better think about getting another partner who are with money. In a general partnership, the partners are expected to share the work equally, or contribute equally in time spent in the business. Partnership profits and losses of the business and they are equally responsible for expenses. Partnerships file informational tax returns, but the partners are taxed on published income as individual. Sometimes people entering to partnership will prepare partnership agreement or will have an attorney prepare a partnership agreement for them. But, I have known people who have been in partnership for years without any kind of written agreement. So a partnership can be easy to form as sole propriety ship, but it also has potential for greater growth or loss. Or so as practical matter, people may want to think about going into partnership with friends. Sometimes being in business with a friend can be the end of friendship.
A corporation is the third name type of business organization. One main advantage of corporation is that its life is continuous. You know corporations own share-holders, and corporations have officers who run the company and board of directors which make decisions in the best interest of the company. Another advantage of corporate form of business is that there is a limited liability. The owners or share holders can only be liable for the company’s losses up to the amount he or she has invested. So that is definitely advantage this form of invests. One of the main disadvantages of the corporate form is that there can be a greater taxation. But there are accounting decisions which can make tax filed for this. Remember, you are not yet owners, accountants, managers, attorneys, or corporate officers. At this point in time, you do not need to have detailed understanding of any of business forms I have discussed. What you do need to remember is the general information about each form and know that when you become involved in a business, and need help understanding something, there are experts whom you can turn.
Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use the notes to help you to answer.
1. What is the lecture mainly about?
2. In the lecture the professor describes some characteristics of corporation. Indicate whether each is characteristic. Click in the correct box for each statement.
3. Why does the professor mention many new businesses failed within two years? 4. According to the professor, what is one important characteristic of sole propriety ship?
5. Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question. What does the professor mean when he says this? ” Sometimes being in business with a friend can be the end of friendship.” Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question. ” What you do need to remember is the general information about each form and know that when you become involved in a business, and need help understanding something, there are experts whom you can turn.”
6. Why does the professor say this? ” there are experts whom you can turn.”
토플은 기본적으로 미국 대학이나 대학원으로 유학오는 학생들을 대상으로 대학수준에서 구사되는 영어의 이해도를 측정하는 것이 목적인 만큼, 어휘와 문법, 발음, 속도, 문장의 이해도와 요약능력이 어느정도 수준에 올라있는 상태에서 응시 하시기를 추천합니다.
또 한가지 유의 사항은 토플의 듣기 영어 주제가 상당히 다양 하다는 것입니다. 주로 강의나 인터뷰 혹은 토론을 주제로 삼기 때문에 일반 영어 뿐 아니라 풍부한 일반 상식이 크게 도움이 될수 있습니다. 다양한 주제가 나온다고는 하나 정치와 종교 혹은 민감한 사항에 대해서는 거의 나오지 않는 편이라고 생각됩니다.
그럼 도움이 되기를 빌며, 들어 갑니다....
Directions: This section measures your ability to understand conversations and lectures in English. You will hear each conversation or lecture only one time. After each conversation or lecture, you will answer some questions about it. The questions typically ask about the main idea and supporting details. Some questions ask about speaker’s purpose or attitude, answer the questions based on what it were taken or implied by the speaker. You may take notes while you listen. You may use the notes to help you to answer the questions. Your notes will not be scored. In some questions, you will see this (headset) icon. This means that you will hear, but not see part of question. Some questions have special directions. These appear in a grey box in the screen. Most questions are worth one point, or questions worth more than one point have instructions indicating how many points you can receive. You must answer each question. After you answer, click next, then click OK to confirm your answer, and go to the next question. After you click on OK, you cannot return to previous questions. You will have 20 minutes to answer the questions in this section. A clock at the top of the screen will show you how much time is remaining. The clock will not count down while you’re listening to test material. Note: in the listening section of actual test, you will both hear and read the questions.
Passage 1: Listen to part of a lecture in a business class. “Business organizations”
Today we are going to discuss the formation and openization of businesses. One other reasons I want you to understand about types of businesses is that nearly half of new business is failed within the first two years. As business students, you need to understand the formation of the business, to understand your role in the business world after your graduation from the university. If you’re in accounting major, you need to know about businesses for different reasons, then business students you continue onto study role. If you are thinking about getting a degree in marketing or management, you need to have an understanding about the composition of the types of the business organization you are working for. You will find out various types of business organizations and that there are differences in each kind because of different factors which must be thought about and which are important when forming a business organization.
The primary considerations for deciding on the types of business organization are liability, taxes, and continuity. The three main types of businesses I wan to talk to you about are the sole propriety ship, the partner ship, and the corporation. The propriety ship is probably the simplest type of business organization. For example, if you enjoy gardening, like working with flowers and vegetables, and want to begin a business of your own without anyone else being involved, then a sole propriety ship is what you’d probably consider. This type of business is rather easy to form. All you need to do is to find an open sign, hang on a door, and you are in business. You will be the person making decisions about where you want to locate a business, what items you will sell, and how much you want to charge for items. Advertising and your methods of marketing your products will be your decision. You will decide hours of operation, whether to hire employees, and make decisions such as whether you want to expand in the future or keep the size of your business small. You personally will be responsible for keeping track of income, paying expenses, and filing taxes. Common sense tells you what advantages and disadvantages of propriety ship are. In a propriety ship, you have advantages of making your own decisions, and spending as much or little time as you want with your business. If the business is successful, you will be the reason. If it fails, you will also probably be the reason. Some of disadvantages are very obvious. How many hours do you want to work each day or week? What happens to the business if you want to take a vacation? Will you have problems if you can not supply all of your customers needs? What problems may result if you are not good record keeper? If your business fails and you are suppliers, then you will personally be responsible to them.
Because of some of these disadvantages I just mentioned, some people prefer to form a partnership. There are various forms of partnerships, but as business students you need to understand what basic or general partnership is. A partnership is a voluntary association between two or more people who carry on a business for the purpose of making a profit. For example, you and the friend decide you want to buy houses, fix them up and make them repairs, and then resell them. If one of you has money to invest and the other has talent such as construction experience to invest, then you can form a partnership. If both of you have money to invest and no construction experience, then you can also form a partnership. If you both have construction experience but no money, then as a practical matter to make a partnership work, you’d better think about getting another partner who are with money. In a general partnership, the partners are expected to share the work equally, or contribute equally in time spent in the business. Partnership profits and losses of the business and they are equally responsible for expenses. Partnerships file informational tax returns, but the partners are taxed on published income as individual. Sometimes people entering to partnership will prepare partnership agreement or will have an attorney prepare a partnership agreement for them. But, I have known people who have been in partnership for years without any kind of written agreement. So a partnership can be easy to form as sole propriety ship, but it also has potential for greater growth or loss. Or so as practical matter, people may want to think about going into partnership with friends. Sometimes being in business with a friend can be the end of friendship.
A corporation is the third name type of business organization. One main advantage of corporation is that its life is continuous. You know corporations own share-holders, and corporations have officers who run the company and board of directors which make decisions in the best interest of the company. Another advantage of corporate form of business is that there is a limited liability. The owners or share holders can only be liable for the company’s losses up to the amount he or she has invested. So that is definitely advantage this form of invests. One of the main disadvantages of the corporate form is that there can be a greater taxation. But there are accounting decisions which can make tax filed for this. Remember, you are not yet owners, accountants, managers, attorneys, or corporate officers. At this point in time, you do not need to have detailed understanding of any of business forms I have discussed. What you do need to remember is the general information about each form and know that when you become involved in a business, and need help understanding something, there are experts whom you can turn.
Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use the notes to help you to answer.
1. What is the lecture mainly about?
2. In the lecture the professor describes some characteristics of corporation. Indicate whether each is characteristic. Click in the correct box for each statement.
3. Why does the professor mention many new businesses failed within two years? 4. According to the professor, what is one important characteristic of sole propriety ship?
5. Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question. What does the professor mean when he says this? ” Sometimes being in business with a friend can be the end of friendship.” Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question. ” What you do need to remember is the general information about each form and know that when you become involved in a business, and need help understanding something, there are experts whom you can turn.”
6. Why does the professor say this? ” there are experts whom you can turn.”