What’s your name?
What have you been doing
What did you do
yesterday? I went to church and went to
a birthday party.
Have you been to
For a whole summer? What did you do there? I lived with family and just practiced
French. Great!
What have you done this
morning? I’ve been following my wife and
shopping all this morning.
What did you do
yesterday? I sat around and watching TV,
I didn’t do very much at all. Watched KU
little basketball, that’s about it. Like
basketball, huh?
What did you do
yesterday? My wife and I went to
What have you done this
morning? I picked up my two nieces; we are
What did you do yesterday? What did you do yesterday? Well, I took Christmas tree down, did a
little shopping, did little laundry and I cooked for my parents.
Good afternoon! What’s your name? Cathy Colleen. Cathy, what have you done this morning? What have I done this morning? Went out have breakfast and came here,
What did you do
yesterday? Yesterday, I stayed all day
because I was sick. Hope you feel
better. A little better, not much.
When did you meet your
wife? I met my wife, uhm three years
Do you have any
children? Yes, I do, I have two
children. This is my son
Could you introduce us
your wife? Yeah. Hi, hello.
This is Loren. Hi, what’s your
name? Loren. Great!
What have you done this morning, Loren?
Packed, had breakfast, now we‘re shopping. Ok. What
did you do yesterday? I was sick in
bed. I hope you feeling better
today. Yes, I am. Thank you.
Hi, what’s your
name? Bernadette. What have done this morning? I got up an went up to passport office trying
to get an emergency passport, and I’m waiting here for someone to pick me
up. That’s it. Ok, great.
Turn this way little bit, so they can see your beautiful face.
What have you done this
morning? A lot of reading… a lot of
reading.. what did you do yesterday? A
much of the same, it was work. Oh, a lot
of work. A lot of work!
What did you do
yesterday? I went to a Hard Rock café,
and I went to a disco birthday party, and banked all day yesterday.
What’s your name
again? Marie Hal. Hi Marie, what have you done this
morning? Well, we have got up and we
have bagels for breakfast, and we ate quickly and left
Hello, what’s your
name? My name is Maria. Hi Maria.
What have you done this morning? Nor
much.. I tried to take a tour of
What did you do when you
left school? Well, I continued teaching,
studying, and teaching … great!
When did you two
meet? You mean here or in general? In general.
We were born together. This is my
womb mate. So you are twins? Yes.