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Math Expressions, Daily Routines, Grade 1 수를 세고 더하는 영어표현


  • How to teach children for counting and add numbers using a variety of fun tools 

    수의 개념이 약한 어린이 (유치원 혹은 초등학교 1학년 학생) 들에게 수를 세고 더하는 방법을 가르치는 비디오 입니다.  선생님들이 영어를 아주 천천히 그리고 또박또박 발음을 해줘서 기초영어 듣기로는 대단히 적합한 비디오 입니다.

    이런 비디오는 처음부터 받아적기를 하기보다는 여러번 들어 보면서 자신의 귀가 정확히 선생님의 발음을 이해할수 있는지를 먼저 테스트하신 후, 안들리는 부분을 반복적으로 들으신 후에 어려운 부분만 받아쓰기 하시길 추천 드립니다.




In first grade, the money routine is used daily through units one through five.  Activities comprised the money routine which should be completed in the following order. 


  1. Using the 120/240 poster.    
  2. Count to the new total, otherwise known as the finger wiggle.
  3. Using the money flip chart.
  4. Using the number path.
  5. Using the secret code cards.


The money routine.


The money routine re-enforces fundamental money and multidigit number concepts.  It provides visual practices with these concepts that her (help to) build incrementally from day to day. This routine helps children learn to say numbers, becomes skilled at counting, and helps them link money values with numeric values. Each day a new total is created by adding a new number from two to four to the total number from the previous day.  Refer to the blue box shown in the pages in the Volume 1 of your teacher’s edition. 


Here are the materials for First grade, 120 to 240 poster, the pointer, money flip chart, sticky notes, the number path, the secret code cards.


Boys and girls, yesterday we added three to get to the number twenty six. Today, we’re going to add three more.  Let’s go ahead and do that now.  We are going to add three, one, two, three.  What number do we get? We get the number twenty nine.  Because we have number 29, we need to change our equation, so we’re going to erase this equation, located here. Before we write that equation, do we make a new ten?  No, we did not make a new ten.  Now, we need to write our equation.  How may total do we have?  29. 29 is equal to twenty or two tens plus nine.  Say the equation with me; 29 equals twenty plus nine. Now. We’re going to go ahead and count, and because we’re going to start here at one, I’d like everyone begin with me.  [Listen teacher]


Yesterday, we had a number 26.  Say the equation with me. Ten plus ten plus six is equal to twenty six. Just like we added three to the 120/240 poster, we are going to add three pennies.  I will add one penny, two pennies, and three pennies.  Have I made a new ten?  No.  I’m now going to need to change my equation where I added three more to the six pennies (that) I already had, which then will equal to total of nine pennies, which will then equal, ten plus ten plus nine is equal to 29.  


The next part of our routine is the number path.  Notice along the edge of the student’s white board, there is a number path, which alternates colors of light, dark, light and dark representing the different tens.  Within that there are also boxes that represent ones, and you will see the numbers stood along with sides and the tops to just help re-enforce student’s counting with their numbers.  Here is our number path.  We’re going to add three more, one, two, three.  Now number is going to equal to 29.  We now need to add three more to our number located down here below, one, two, three.  So next, I need to rewrite my equation.  We started with the number 26 and we added three more for a total of 29.  Let’s double check using our proof drawing to make sure that our answer is correct.  Ten, twenty, twenty-one, [listen the teacher].  My answer’s match and we are correct.


Next, I’ll be finding the number 29 using my secret code cards.  How do I know that this number is 29?  I have 20 plus 9, which will equal 29.  If I turn the cards over on the back, I will also find Ten, twenty, twenty-one, [listen the teacher]. 



English Pronunciation #126 - MISOGYNISTIC




내일은 저의 favorite 발음연습 채널인 SOZOEXCHANGE에서 특별히 마련한 약간 긴 발음연습 비디오 입니다.  예술가인Martin Durazo를 인터뷰 하면서 나오는 그의 문장들을 하나씩 짚어 가면서 발음을 지도해 주는 굉장히 좋은 비디오이니 놓치지 마세요~~