Learn American
idioms related to “sports”
자주 받는 질문이 “어떤것이 자연스런 미국식 영어표현인가?”
입니다. 미국식
표현이란 바로 미국사람들이 많이 자주 사용하는 표현이라 정의 내리고 싶군요. 그러면 한국에서는 어떻게 하면 이런 미국식 표현을 배울수
있을까요? 절대 책에서 배울수는 없다는
것이 저의 생각 입니다. 그렇다고 미국으로
와서 배우기도 쉽지 않습니다. 그래서
유튜브나 미국 드라마를 이용하면 도움이 될수 있습니다.
특히 오늘의
비디오해설이나 올려진 비디오들의 스크립트를 유심히 보시면 한국에서 쉽게 접하지 못하는 미국식 표현들이 가득 합니다. 그냥 흘려 보고듣지 마시고 한국에서 배운
표현들과 어떻게 다른지 어떨때 다르게 쓰이는지 유심히 살펴 보시길 권하고 싶군요...
Every year sports
fans in American wait for the biggest football game of the season, The Super
Bowl. This game is always on a Sunday,
so we call this Super Bowl Sunday. Today
is Super Bowl Sunday (Feb. 3, 2008), and I thought it would be a good time to
share with you some expressions connected to sports. I found it interesting
that there are a lot of expressions in everyday English / that come from
sports. I’m going to share three of them
with you today.
The first expression
is “kick off”. Kick off is the
beginning of game. One player kicks the ball, and the playing begins. We often ask “when is kick off time?” That means when does the game start? And in fact kick off time is any second
now. The players are going to the field,
and soon one player will kick that ball, and the Super Bowl will begin. But what does kick off mean in every day English? Let’s start with the first meaning: [see screen and listen Jennifer] Note that when it
takes an object / this phrasal verb (kick off) can be separated. We can say; kick
off the new year right, or you can kick the new year off
right. [see screen and listen Jennifer] So note / it can be transitive or
intransitive, meaning we can use with an object or without. Here’s second
meaning (kick-off), [see screen and listen
Jennifer]. In business, kick-off
meetings are very common.
This year, two teams
playing for Super Bowl are New England Patriots and New York Giants. Well, kick off was around 6:30 (PM). We’re
now in the third quarter. The New
England Patriots are leading. Now to win
a game like a football, which is a team sport, you can’t just have one player
that’s very good. All the players have
to work together. So we have this
expression: “team player.” I think it’s obvious what that means in
sports. But, how do we use this
expression in everyday English? [see screen and listen
Jennifer] People on their job
interviews and their resumes love to mention this as a quality that they have.
They can say on a good team player. [see screen and
listen Jennifer]
All right, now it’s the
fourth quarter and there’s less than 2 minutes to go. I’m sure one of the
teams is going to call a “time out.”
I think you know that in sports a time out is a short rest for the
players. They stop playing and the coaches
usually give instructions. But, what is
the time out for other settings? Let’s look at this first meaning: [see screen and listen Jennifer] Now I don’t know about other cultures, but it’s
quite common in American families for parents to give children time outs. I know I do. And the second example, [see screen and listen Jennifer] Now let’s look at this meaning: [see screen and listen Jennifer]
To go, 전형적인
미국식 표현 입니다. 햄버거 가게에서 주문이 끝날 때 항상
물어 보는 말이, “To here or to go?” 여기서 먹을거나 가지고 갈거냐? 여기서는 ‘경기 끝나기
까지 2분 남았다’는 뜻 입니다.
many years do you need to finish your study? (졸업하려면 얼마나 남았니?) Yeah, only one semester to go. (한학기 남았어..)
이 단어도 전형적인 미국식 표현 입니다. 우리가 흔히 말하는 조건이나 상황을 생각하면 얼른 떠오르는 단어가 situation, circumstance,
environment등이지만 이런 단어들은 고급단어로 일상회화에선 그렇게 많이 쓰지 않습니다. 대신 이런 setting으로 쉽게 표현 합니다.
he working good? Well, he might be good
on his previous job, but he seems having hard time in our settings.
Well, it’s end of
the game and the end of our lesson. The new Super Bowl Champions are the New
York Giants. I hope you enjoyed the
lesson, thanks for watching!
제니퍼샘가 사는 곳이 보스턴이고 보스턴이 뉴잉글랜드 지역이라 이게임에서
역전패 함으로서 보스턴의 광팬들은 아주 실망이 컸던 게임 이었습니다.
아마 제니퍼와 남편 그리고 같이 게임보던 친구들은 무진장 실망 했으리라 믿습니다. 근데 표는 내지 않는군요…
Daily Pronunciation #37 - English Lesson – LYRICS
내일도 JenniferES의 친절한 강의로 ‘사랑과 결혼’에서 유래된 숙어표현을 배워 봅니다!