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기초영어듣기/Common Mistakes in English-제니퍼ESL쌤

Lesson 3a - Requests - Common Mistakes in English

타인에게 뭔가를 부탁할 때, 퉁명스런 말투로는 원하는 것을 제대로 얻지 못하는 결과를 초래 하겠지요?  사람이 사는 사회는 어딜가나 마찬가지입니다.  한글의 존경어가 발달한 것도 타인에 대한 존경의 마음이 깊이 깔려 있기 때문입니다.  

영어도 표현의 다양성은 한국의 그것에 비해서 새발의 피이지만 나름대로 부탁과 명령 그리고 지시에 대한 어투가 분명히 존재하고 엄격히 지켜지고 있습니다.  오늘은 이런 말하는 방법이 상황에 따라 어떤 용법으로 쓰일수 있는지를 request를 통해서 알아 보는 시간 입니다. 제니퍼쌤의 연기도 볼만합니다... 

Sometime students make mistakes with usage not form.  That means they’re saying everything correctly, but the structures aren’t right for the situation.  They are not appropriate.  In this lesson, we’re going to talk about making request.


And we’re going to make sure that you choose right form of request for the given situation.  [see screen]


I’d like to demonstrate my point and show you that it’s not always what you say, but how you say it that can be rude or polite.  Let’s start with the command.


I’m going to say it in two ways: listen to the difference.  Go home (rude)!  Go home (polite)!  The first way could be said to a person who came to a party of mine uninvited.  Now they’re behaving badly, and I want this person out of my house.  I say, Go home (rude)!  The second way could be said to a co-worker whose at the office very late working long hours and I worried about the person. I think they should go home and rest.  So I say, Go home (polite)!  Hear the difference?


OK, now, let’s take a request, we’ll use the question, “Will you please open the door?”  Listen to the two different ways: First way, Will you please open the door (rude)?  Second way, Will you please open the door (polite)?   The first way could be said to a family member, your brother, your sister, they’re standing near the door, they see you with lots of bags and they’re just looking at you.  Maybe they’re being funny, maybe they are being lazy, either way it annoys you.  So you would say, Will you please open the door (rude)?   The second way, you could say to a stranger, you still have the heavy bags and you can’t open the door easily, you need some help.  You want to ask a stranger to assist you, you’d say, Will you please open the door (polite)?   Get the difference? [see screen]


Let’s pause for an exercise. [see screen]


That’s the end of the part 1.  Be sure to check out the parts 2 and 3.