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기초영어듣기/Common Mistakes in English-제니퍼ESL쌤

Lesson 2 - "Think" - Common Mistakes in English

여러명의 ESL 선생님들에게 수업을 들었었고 유튜브에 비디오 강의를 올린 많은 선생님들을 보았지만 제니퍼 선생님 처럼 체계적이고 쉬우면서도 핵심만을 집어주는 분을 보지 못했습니다. 그래서 "기초영어듣기" 섹션에 "Common Mistakes in English" 카테고리를 만들고 약 2주간에 걸쳐 13개의 비디오를 올릴 예정입니다.  Lesson 1은 이전에 이미 올렸으니 카테고리를 선택하시면 보실수 있습니다. 

흔히 쓰는 단어들이지만 또한 너무나 많은 실수들을 하는 단어들 (Think, Requests, Wish/Hope, -ing/-ed, Prepositions)의 올바른 용법과 예를 집중적으로 강의 하고 있습니다.  이 기간동안 주말 영작특집은 쉬겠습니다.  단, 도움을 요청하시는 분이 계시면 함께 공부할수 있는 시간을 중간에 만들어 보겠습니다. 

도움이 되시길 빌며 들어 갑니다....!!!

Students can easily confuse the simple present with present progressive (현재진행형).  I’ve seen this quite often with a verb, think: I think or I’m thinking. What’s the difference?


One difference is the kind of thinking.  If you want to talk about your opinion, use I think.  That’s the simple present.  For example, “I think this is a funny movie.”, “I think this is a very good magazine!” “I think it’s very difficult to write in Korean!”  When you use think to talk about opinion, you can simple say (1. _____________ )  ~.  [see screen]  


But if you’re talking about the process of thinking and think means something close to (2. _______, _______, ______), then you need to use present progressive.  I am thinking ~.  For example, I might say, we are thinking of taking a trip to Canada.  We haven’t decided yet, but we are thinking about it.  So we are considering the idea of taking the trip, the process of thinking about it.  Here is another example.  For the calculator, Shhh, I’m thinking.  So I’m telling you to be quiet because I don’t want you to interrupt the process of my thinking.  Get it?  [see screen]  


So in those examples, the difference was kind of thinking.  Again, opinion requires I think, the simple present.  The process of thinking require the present progressive, I am thinking.  Another difference is time.  If you’re talking time in general, use the simple present, I think.  For example, let’s say, I’m writing to my friend, and I write, Hello Tracy, I just want to let you know that I think of you often.  I’m sorry I haven’t written for a while.  I think of you often, so I think about her a lot, thoughts of her are in my mind all the time or in general.  [see screen]  


But, consider this example, my friend is in the hospital, I pick up the phone and I say, “Hi, how are you?’ I’m thinking of you.  I want to let my friend know that right now, today, thoughts of her are in my mind.   [see screen]  


OK, let’s review those differences.  [see screen]  


Here is the final note on grammar.  Do we say I think that?  I think of?  And I think about?  Let’s talk about those differences.  [see screen]  


Let’s try an exercise!  [see screen]    


Read the dialogue your self and then I will tell you the answer.  [see screen]  


OK, Thanks for watching, Happy Studies!

disney pixar movie cars-funny scene