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Holiday Celebrations : How to Make a New Year's Resolution

새해가 밝으면 연례행사 처럼 우리는 올해의 목표 (New Year's Resolution)를 세우고 반드시 이루고 말리라, 다짐을 하지요.  전 거의 작심삼일로 끝나긴 하지만, 여러분은 올해의 목표를 반드시 이루시길 기원 드립니다.

미국 사람들은 유난히 연초에 이런 목표 세우길 좋아해서, 연말연시 휴가를 끝내고 출근하면 한 일주일 동안은 서로의 목표를 가지고 설왕설래, 설레발을 떨기도 합니다.  그래서 이런 비디오도 만들어 올리곤 하지요.

그러면 올해의 목표를 세울 때 유의해야 할 점을 영어로 어떻게 설명하는지 들어 봅시다.  테리의 발음이 강약을 적절히 조절해서 뜻을 알아듣기에는 좋은듯 하지만, 받아쓰기에는 약간 어려움이 있을수 있습니다.  바로 연음현상과 관계대명사의 생략 때문입니다. 생략된 부분은 괄호로, 연음된 부분은 되도록이면 전체 동사를 스크립트에 써 놓았으니 반복을 하시면서 귀에 익혀 놓으시면 도움이 될것으로 생각 합니다.

New year’s resolutions!  Oh, Hi, I’m Terry!  And in this segment, we’re going to be talking about how to make a new year’s resolution.  About that time of the year again, folks!  And you gotta start making your new year’s resolution lists.  

So, what I recommend first of all is to take out of a piece of paper and a pen, and write down all the things you would like to change about yourself, or your situation.  So whether it would be a financial goal, or a physical goal, spiritual goal; choose one thing or you can choose one from each category.  The big thing is you don’t wanna have ten or fifteen goals, it’s a little overwhelming.  Get through one goal and then focus on the next one.

So write a list of all the different things that you want to change, and choose one and make sure it’s realistic, that’s the number one thing (that) I can tell you: be realistic!
  If you wanna loose weight, don’t go with an unrealistic amount, maybe say I wanna loose ten pounds or I wanna loose twenty pounds.  And start with that goal and go from there… 

You wanna break down your objectives, so let’s see you eventually wanna loose a hundred pounds, start with ten or twenty.  So that you can see (that) your progress (is) happening.  Also do something it’s gonna make you feel good, something you can imagine (that) will make your life better.  

So these are a couple of hints, you know it’s bad habit or something? Choose something that you wanna just get rid of it in your life, and you feel so good about making this resolution that will have to stick.  And that tells how to make new year’s resolution.