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F.R.I.E.N.D.S. the pediatrician

[넋두리] 3주간의 즐거운 한국에서의 휴가와 일주일의 독일출장에서 돌아와 완전히 엉망이된 바이오리듬을 회복할 시간도 없이 쓰나미처럼 밀려드는 일들에 치여 요즘 컨디션이 엉망입니다.  게다가 2주 앞으로 다가온 또다른 출장, 네델란드에서의 4주, 준비 덕분에 이번주는 아주 죽을 맛입니다. 

그래서 업데이트가 무진장 갑갑한 수준입니다.  혹시나(?!) 업뎃을 기다리시는 분들이 있을까봐 미리 양해의 말씀을 드립니다.  한국과 북한의 월드컵 축구응원에 더 많은 시간을 할애하시라는 저의 옹색한 변명입니다... :)  

한국팀들 화이팅...!!




Are you still seeing your pediatrician?






Thank you Joey! Ohm you know Im not even sure if I can have caffeine. Oh, I went through this with Ben and Carol. One cup of coffee wont affect your milk. Yeah, just to be sure. I’m gonna call Dr. Wienner. Every time? Rache, you dont have to call whenever you have a little question, OK? Trust me, I know this. All right, I trust you. Rachel, I can see you dialing. I dont understand, why.. shut up, I’m on the phone. Oh, Dr. Wienner?


Excuse me, oh yeah? Up yours too! Who the hell was that? Dr. Wienner. Rachel, you cant call people at three in the morning. You know? You sound just like his wife! Is there anything wrong with Emma? Yes, of course, there is. Im not insane. What was it? Hiccups! Rachel, I told you, you cant call him every time any little thing comes up. Yeah, not any more I can’tHe fired us. We need to find a new pediatrician. Wait, wait, wait, when Monica said that when youre growing up, you really liked your doctor.  What was his name? Dr. Getbbereman?  No, uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea, in fact, I think he is dead. Uh why does everything happen to me? Rache, I promise first thing in tomorow, I’ll find another doctor, but I gotta go to Berlin, and I’m not feeling all that well. What, where, where are you not enough feeling well? What do you have? Is it Rubella? Because dont go near Emma cause she has not had that shot. You know come to think of it? It does feel Rubella like? [she screams in weird sounds like, no it’s something like me…”]


Supposed to find a doctor. I mean how do you know good ones from the ones were gonna push their pennies against your knee? Excuse me? I know what shes talking about. Well, we’ve gotta find a new pediatrician. Rosss getting sick last night. I think Emma might have caught it. Why dont you go to Dr. Getbbereman? Ross said he died. He didnt die, just saw his daughter last week. Said hes fine. Her other hand, much Botox. All right, I’m gonna take Emma to see him. I wonder why Ross said he died. Oh, maybe he was getting in confuse with his childhood dare bust. Is there a dare bust? Yeah, he used to have this occurring nightmare, its really freaked him out. Well, what was it? That I was going to eat him.


Ah, my name is Rachel Green. I have an appointment for Emma. Dr. Getbbereman is finishing up with a patientHe should be out short. Ok. Thank you. Might be just have a cold, its definitely not Strep. Thanks doctor. Would you like a Rollie-Pop? You dont have to ask. He IS alive!


How was a pediatrician? OI really liked him! Yeah, yeah, because he is really, really, really good. Promised you won’t say anything. I know. Ross still sees his pediatrician. I dont care. Are you serious? You still see Dr. Getbbereman? He is a brilliant diagnostician. Diagnostician or Boo-boo fixer? Ross, you gotta go to appropriate doctor. Why, why? I know its little weird, but hey, he is a great doctor, ok? He knows my medical history, and every time I go in there, he makes a big deal. Oh~ look, its my favorite patient. Did he say that before he sticks a thermometer in your tushie?  





Daily Pronunciation #67 - English Lesson - PRELIMINARY
