“Arthur” 라는 애니메이션은 상당히 평이한 영어로 제작되어 미국의 초등학생들에게 많은 인기를 끌고 있습니다. 내용도 교훈적이지요. 이런 애니메이션도 훌륭한 듣기 영어공부의 주제가 될수 있어서 2편을 이틀에 걸쳐 올려 봅니다.
쉽게 지루함을 느끼는 초등학생들의 영어공부에도 도움이 되지 않을까 생각해 봅니다. 단어도 기초단어들이고 발음도 비교적 똑똑하고 정확하며, 짧고 기본적인 문장으로 뜻을 전달할수 있는 요령을 배울수도 있습니다.
세련된 의사 소통이란 결국 동일한 문장구조 (문법)에 “세련된” 단어 (어휘)로 바꾸어 넣으면 되는 것이기에 기본 문장 공부에는 어린이용 에니메이션만큼 좋은것이 없다는 것이 저의 지론입니다….
And now back to Arthur. With a quiz only 30 seconds away, you might think Buster would be nervous. Luckily Buster always stays on top of his homework. He likes bounce ideas off his friends. And Buster usually finds something interesting in what he’s reading. Shhhh! There is just one thing Buster forgot to do this quiz. Begin! Study.
“Buster Makes the Grade”
Ms. Brinsky, superb! Ms. Crosswild, not bad. Mr. Reed, review those multiplication tables. Buster,…. Ohhhh…! I’m sure you all remember that next Friday we will have a test on everything we’ve learn this year. So be sure to study this weekend. Class dismissed.
Mr. Baxter, would you please stop by Mr. Principal hayme’s office?
There is something we would like to discuss with you. Come in.
Mom, Grandma, what are you guys doing here? It’s nothing to worry about Dear… Really, Mrs. Baxter, it’s not as bad as always
is serious, very serious, but nothing end up velvo grease. Good luck available grease can fix,
hoply. Sit down Buster. Then Mr. Ratburn said I would get B on the
next week, or else, you won’t have the pleasure of the joining with your friends
in the fourth grade. What? That’s terrible, Buster. How could we possibly go to fourth grade without
you? Well, how am I ever gonna have the
B? I can barely name thirty states of
Hey Buster, how is it going? How was tool? How are you guys? Look, he is not even worried. I don’t think Buster’s ever gonna get out of third grade. Mr. Baxter..! If a boy in third grade is eight years old, how old will it be if repeats it thirty three times. Ah… I don’t know. Oh, well there is always next year.
What are we gonna do? Wait, I know just a person who can help us. Come on~ You want me to help Buster study? You’re kidding right? Well, we figured if we knew anybody about getting held back, Binky, it was you. Hey, that’s right! I’m an expert, and I know just what Buster would need. What buster needs is a tutor. What’s a tutor? A private teacher. Mine’s Mr. Baglin, he comes every weekend and helps me studying. Dinky, that’s perfect. You’re a genius.
huh? Sounds like a great idea,
guys. Hey, we’re on our way for
kickball, come on. It’s never gonna
work, is it? Not unless we can find a teacher who knows how to play
kickball. Hold it, are you guys thinking
what I’m thinking? We just pound
him? No, Maybe all Buster needs is
somebody at his own age. You mean all of
us can be Buster’s tutors? Yeah!!! Buster, Wake up!! Your English tutor is here. Ah, it’s just you, Arthur. Well, I’ll just leave you two to your
work. Hey, Arthur, good plan. You fooled her completely. If we hurry we can get to the park before the
game starts. We’re not going to the park
today, Buster. What? Get your books, we’re gonna study!! STUDY???
Buster, wake up! What? You fell a sleep again. Oh, sorry…
Buster..!! What? You’ve got to stay awake, this book is on a
test and you barely read a chapter. Oh, it’s this room, Arthur. It makes me sleepy. Maybe if we study outside….
for Fun: Funny Birds