- Learn five things to know
when to write a PR program
PR program을 만들 때, 반드시 유의해야 할 5가지 항목에 대한 제니퍼의 소개 입니다. 매 항목 마다 그 이유와 유의점을 비교적 자세하게 설명하고 있습니다. 이제 제니퍼의 말에 많이 적응이 되셨나요? 오늘은 어제 보다는 비교적 부드럽게 들리실 것으로 믿습니다.
You probably heard old saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” Nowhere is that truer / than when it comes to public relations. Only well conceived plan / will support and help to grow your business.
When to write a PR program?
Here are five things you need
to know:
- Be complete! Make sure your program includes objectives. What is the goal, strategies - how to
achieve the goal, Target audience – who is to reach? In tactics – how do you reach your audience?
- Be objective! Evaluate
what’s reasonable for your organization to achieve. You might want to be on the cover of the Wall Street Journal, but do you have strain of story to first try to attention of the reporter
/ who is being bombarded with literally hundreds of pitches
a day? Are you prepared for the level
of attention that a journal article can bring? If you’re not, it’s the best
to wait until you are. This is not meant to discourage
you. I’m just saying / not to bite off more than you can
- Be consistent with your business
plan. It’s critical that your public
relations plan complement with
your business plan, which means
that it’s essential to have a business plan in / order to
have a productive PR plan. Remember,
public relations is about achieving
meaningful result to help support, drive, and matter / to your business.
- Be patient! Public relations is accumulative process.
It doesn’t happen
overnight. It takes time to create a strong plan, it takes time to implement it and it will take
time to see quantifiable
results. So be patient and be persistent! And finally,
- Be flexible! A public relations plan should be a living / breathing document. Make sure to revisit its
content every quarter, what’s working? / and what’s not working? and Why? If there is problem? Fix it! And a something is working really well, keep it up!
That’s it for now, I’m Jennifer Widder, Inc.com’s public relations expert.
- 귀에 뜨이는 제니퍼의 특징은 발음의 강약이 명확한
점 입니다. ‘강약강약’의 리듬을 줄기차게 유지 하면서 자신의
의견을 전달 합니다.
- who
is being bombarded with, 특이하게도 밑줄친 단어의 마지막 부분만 강세를 줌으로서 이 단어를 알지 못하는 사람에겐 상당히 까다로운
발음으로 나타날 우려가 있습니다. 두음절의 동사 bombard에 과거형 접미사 –ed가 붙음으로서 3음절로
늘어나는데, 마지막 2음절에만 부분 강세를 주고 있습니다.
제니퍼의 의도는 이 단어의 뜻을 강조 함으로서 기자들이 하루에 얼마나 많은 정보를 받는지를 강조하고 싶은 것이지요. 그러나 발음만 들으면 하나의 단어가 아니라 두개의 단어로 들린다는 것이 문제 입니다.
그러므로 bombard, 즉 ‘폭탄을 투하한다’ 라는 단어의 뜻을 정확히 파악하지 않은 상태에선, 이 말의 전체적인 뜻을 이해하기 힘들겠지요? 그래서 어휘력이 차지하는 영어듣기에서의 비중이 크다는 것입니다.
- Nowhere
is that truer
/ than when it comes 위의 경우와 반대로 여기선
truer의 비교급 접미사 –er의 발음을 약하게 해주고 있습니다. 이문장은 결국 광고를 함에 있어서 계획을 잘 세우는
것이 최고로 중요하다는 최상급 문장을 표현 한 것입니다.
우리가 교실에서 배웠던 일반적인 최상급의 문장 형식이나 구조 (A is the most ~ in something) 보다 이런식으로 돌려서 말하길 좋아 하더군요. 많이 듣고 적응 하는 것외엔 다른 방법이 없습니다. 그래도 여기선 than 앞에 잠깐의 pause 를 줌으로서 부정형 nowhere와 함께 뜻의 이해를 도와주고 있습니다.
- have
strain of story to first try to attention
of the reporter
이것이 제가 앞서 지적한 ‘강약강약강약’ 리듬의 전형적인 보기 입니다. 리듬감이 확 살아 나지요? 근데 밑줄친 부분에서 약간 불명확한 느낌이 듭니다. 그러나 ‘기자의 주의를 확 끌만한 스토리’라는 뜻만 이해가 되시면 소기의 목적은 달성 된
것 입니다.
- to bite off more than you can
chew 지난번 비디오에서
말씀 드렸듯이 동사와 결합하여 동사형으로 쓰인 전치사 off를 of와 구별하는 방법이 강세를 주면 동사형이고 강세가 없으면 명사앞의 전치사 of라는
사실, 기억 하시나요?
이곳에서 또 나옵니다.
예를 들면, 한 남자가 여자의 손을 잡을때 여자가 말하길, “Take your hands off!”, 불 먼저 꺼라! 는 “Put off the fire first!”, 사과 한입 먹어라 “Take a bite off an apple” 이렇듯, off의 용법이 현실회화에서 아주 빈번히 사용되니, 잘 익혀 두시길….
- have
a business plan in / order to have a productive
PR plan 제니퍼는 특이하게 in 과 order 사이에 pause (/) 를 줌으로서 생산적인 PR plan을 만들기 위해서는 반드시 좋은 사업계획이 필요하다는 점을 강조
하고 있습니다.
- public relations는 끝에 –s가 붙어 있지만 단수
(singular)형 집합명사 입니다.
- Only well conceived plan. v. To form a concept or image
of (= imagine, conceptualize, consider, formulate, invent, think); to
become pregnant
Good job! I can see your effort to make this conceived (= thoughtful) plan.
- Make
sure your program includes objectives. v.
to have as part of a whole; contain; comprise the cost includes taxes
to consider as part of a whole; take into account; put in a total, category, etc. to be included as a candidate
- What
is the goal, strategies, n.
a plan or action based on careful
Current financial crisis forces to change the marketing strategies.
- In tactics,
actions in accord with strategy; any methods used to gain an end; esp.,
skillful methods or procedure
When developing a strategy, one should also consider possible tactics.
- Be objective!
independent of the mind; real; actual (객관적인) (반: subjective)
Only the objective evaluation can help people to improve, and should avoid being subjective during performance evaluation.
- Evaluate
what’s reasonable, v, to judge or determine the
worth or quality of; appraise
Annual salary will be determined by objective performance evaluation, not by subjective matters.
- do you have strain of story, n. a great or
excessive demand on one's emotions, resources, etc. a strain on the imagination
- with literally
hundreds of , ad.
word for word; not imaginatively, figuratively, or freely (글자 그대로, 적힌 그대로)
At the inauguration of the new president, literally millions of people were gathered to witness the historical moment.
- pitches
a day, n. a line of talk, such as a salesman uses to persuade
You should prepare for a pitch to sell yourself in a short period of time, and we call that pitch as an elevator speech.
- Are
you prepared
for the level of , v. to make ready,
usually for a specific purpose; make suitable; fit; adapt; train
Success only comes to a person who is prepared for!
- attention
that a journal article can bring? n. the act of
keeping one's mind closely on something or the ability to do this; mental
Attention is the best way to get rid of distractions.
- This
is not meant to discourage
you. v. to deprive of courage, hope, or confidence; dishearten;
Kid should be encouraged, not discouraged.
- Be consistent
with your business plan, a. in agreement or harmony; in
accord; compatible; deeds not consistent with his words.
Productivity of the line No. 2 is very consistent with the schedule.
- your public relations plan complement
your business plan,
v. to make complete; be a complement to
n. something added to complete a whole; either of two parts that complete each other
The solar energy finally complements the creation of a living thing with water on earth.
You are whole by yourself, not a complement to her.
- have a
business plan in / order to have a productive
PR plan., idm. for the purpose of; as a means to;
We need to complement our capabilities together in order to accomplish the mission on schedule.
- Public
relations is accumulative process., a. resulting from
accumulation; cumulative; stacking up; acquisitive; collective
Success comes from accumulative efforts for a long period of time, not over a night.
- it
takes time to implement
it and it will take time, v.
to provide the means for the
carrying out of; give practical effect to; accomplish
The new president will quickly implement his new deal policy to stimulate the economy.
- to see
results., a. being able to count; visible; being able to determine
or express the quantity of; indicate the extent of; measure
Financial investment to PR is not always quantifiable in close future, but may eventually return in qualitative way in the long term.
- So be patient and be persistent!,
continuing to exist or endure; lasting without change; remaining
essentially unchanged over a long period
It will be interesting to see how persistent the new president can be on the illegal immigration matter in spite of the currently popular angel policy.
- And a something
is working really well, keep it up!, v. to continue, persist, persevere, carry on; maintain
Hey, John, I heard of your good job lately. Keep up the good work!
Pronunciation - GHASTLY - #245
이제 광고의 큰틀은 잡혔으니 내일은 어떻게 하면 사람들의 주의를 화~악 끌수 있는 카피를 만들수 있을까에 대해서 설명을 들어 봅니다.
How to Develop a Pitch That Gets Read
(인기있는 광고 카피 만들기)