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What I Hate About College

오늘은 일요일이고 하니 부담없이 Kevjumba의 신입생으로서 자신의 대학생활에 대한 느낌을 들어 보도록 합니다. 미국대학 신입생들의 생활은 한국의 그것과는 상당히 달라서 특별한 이유가 있는 경우를 제외하고는 거의 모든 신입생들이 최소한 첫 1-2년은 반드시 기숙사 생활을 하게 되어 있습니다.  

아마 나이들이 어려서 (보통 신입생들의 나이는 17-19세로 미성년임), 풀어 놓기 보다는 기숙사에서 생활하게 하는듯 합니다만, 할짓 다하는 걸 보면 기숙사 생활이 얼마나 효과가 있을지....  

Hey Kevin, Kevin, yo, you got more toilet paper? …  No, no, get out, get out!  Look I’m back home!!!, which means my first semester of college is finally over. 

These past few months have definitely been a very …… interesting experience.  College can be pretty crazy, but I try, I try not to get distracted.  I was a good boy, you know?  I uh… I took my father’s advice: “No sex, no DRUG!”  Thanks, Dad! 

Overall though, I am enjoying college.  I’ve met wonderful people.  I’m taking interesting classes, but this video is not all about that.  This video is about the things in college that I can’t stand. 

Let me just jump right into it.  The food there is not that good and sucks cause I can’t cook (in a dormitory).  You know what I have to do?  I have to eat cup noodles like six times a week, I don’t even like to taste of it any more. 

This next one’s probably a good thing, but it annoys that hell out of me.  My parents miss me, but they miss me a little too much, just a little bit.  They take turns calling me every single day, like for no reason. 

Hello?  Hi, Kevin ~~ so what are you doing… uuh I’m studying, Oh. Good good good.  Is that it?

Lastly thing that annoys me is having to live in a dormitory.  Don’t get me wrong, I love everyone on our floor, but everyone lives so close by that is hard to get any privacy.  I can’t even do a video without being rudely interrupted. 

Kevin, I need more toilet paper, dude!  Dude, I’m doing something, Get OUT!  No, no get OUT!!  No toilet paper?  No! 

So that’s how college is for me and I hope everyone else is having a wonderful school year.  This is my favorite time of the year, happy holidays to you all.  I couldn’t find my Santa hat, so I use this instead.  It’s been nice talking with you guys again.  I missed you guys, which is why I made this video like right when I got home.  But, now I got home and I gotta spend some time with the family, so I’ll catch you guys later. 

Jakey, Jackey, I miss you, you’re so great… Jackey… what da hell…..?  Jackey, you’d better come back here right now!  Cause I miss you….

English Pronunciation - DE FACTO - #220

앗.... 이런 제니퍼샘의 새 비디오를 만들어 놓고 깜박 했네요.... 올리는 김에 16일 올라온 제니퍼 샘의 새 coonotation video a/b를 같이 올립니다.  오늘 공부거리가 너무 많은건 아닌지.... 걱정이 좀 됩니다만, 부담 없이 들으시면 되겠습니다.

Lesson 14a - CONNOTATIONS - English Vocabulary (단어의 뉘앙스, impression behind the definition) 

Connotation 이란 어떤 단어가 갖는 사회적 통념, 혹은 선입견등을 말하는데, 실재 대화에서 이들을 무시하고 사용 한다면 불필요한 오해를 살수도 있으니 주의하실 필요가 있겠습니다.  타인을 배려하는 대화란 바로 이런 connotation을 제대로 이해하고 상대방을 고려해서 단어를 선택 한다는 점이라고 생각 합니다. 

Exercise 1 


Both words refer to a person who is no longer young.  But elderly has positive connotation, so it’s more polite.


Both words mean difficult, but they have different connotations.  Hard can suggest frustrating.  Challenging can suggest interesting. 


Both words mean not costing much money, but cheap has a negative connotation.  It can suggest poor quality. 


Both words refer to the same feeling about being interested because you care, but worried stronger.  It suggests the higher level of anxiety being nervous. 


Spouse could refer to husband or wife, but this word has a very formal feeling to it.  Wife and husband are for every day use.  You wouldn’t say, “Let me introduce my spouse.”  You would say “Let me introduce my wife or my husband.”


Both words are generally having the same meaning, but shy is stronger (than modest).  Shy can suggest feeling awkward or uncomfortable with other people or situation.  Modest simply suggests not showing too much pride.


Both words refer to a group of musicians, but band suggests a smaller number (than an orchestra).  In orchestra usually suggests classical music.

어떻습니까?  제니퍼샘은 정말 친절하지 않습니까?  단어가 귀에 팍팍 꽂히는 느낌이 들지 않나요?

Part 2

Lesson 14b - CONNOTATIONS - English Vocabulary