- How to pass the California driver’s license test in the USA
Part 1:
Before we hit the road, let’s make sure tour car is safe. Before we hit the road, let’s make sure your car is safe. Why don’t we get in? Kyle just finished the project for his high school media class. The project is video about how to pass the driving test. His class mates went for a drive with a DMV (Department of Motor Vehicle) examiner to learn about the rules of the road. The examiner gave them a lot of information. Kyle learned a great deal while editing the project. He was so confident / that he scheduled an appointment to take his driving test / as soon as he turns to sixteen. Let’s see how he did.
OK, turn off your engine, please? So how did I do? Well, you made a few mistakes. Mistakes? But I learn so much (in) making the video and I studied the DMV handbook. Studying the handbook is great, and I really enjoy the video by the way. But there is more to be a driver. You need to be able to apply your knowledge behind wheel. Oh, yeah, that makes sense. So, I passed, though, right? Well the mistakes you made weren’t serious, but you did make more than what is allowed you to passing. I’m so sorry Kyle.
- I learn so much (in) making the video여기서 ~을 할때의 시간을 나태내는 전치사 (in)이 빠져 있는데, 일상 대화에서 이런식의 표현을 무진장 자주 들을수 있습니다. He’s chatting a lot about some useless gossips (in) working together. 한국식 문법에 목숨건 교육을 받은 상태에선 도저히 처음엔 이해가 안되고 뭔 소린지 알수 없지만, 역시 세월에 장사 없다고, 시간이 지나고 자꾸 들으니 익숙해져서 요즘은 그러려니~ 합니다…. 그게 마음 편합니다…
- apply your knowledge behind wheel. 흔히 쓰는 표현이 ‘핸들만 잡으면’ 입니다. 그사람은 핸들만 잡으면 헐크가 된다’를 영작해 볼까요? He becomes the Hulk when he takes a handle. 이 handle이라는 말이 우리의 뇌리속에 워낙 깊이 박혀 있어서 운전대 = handle이 공식화 되어 있는데, 이 문장을 미국아이들에게 보여주면 무슨 소린지 전혀 뜻을 이해 못할 것입니다. 그러나 He becomes the Hulk when he sits behind wheel. 이러면 금방 알아 먹습니다. 많이 쓰는 또다른 단어가, steering wheel입니다. He becomes the Hulk whenever he takes a steering wheel.
이 handle이란 말을 잘못쓰면 미국에서 변태로 오해받기 십상 입니다. Can you please take my handle with you? 이런 말을 잘못하면 이거이거… 큰일 납니다. 어쩌면 경찰 뜰지도 모릅니다…. 혹시 미국이나 영국 혹은 영어권 국가로 여행하실 계획 있으신 분은 절대 handle이란 말의 사용에 크나큰 주의를 기울이셔야 합니다. Hand phone도 한국식 영어 입니다. 영국이나 미국식 표현은 cell phone 입니다. Where is your cell phone? (ㅇ) Can I call to your cell? (ㅇ)
I didn’t pass? I can’t believe it…. What happened? There is just something you need to work on and you know what? We can go over them right now if you like, and it will really help on your next test. Yeah, I guess I get use to help. I’ll tell you what, while you’re making your video, we made one, too. We’ll talk to DMV examiners why some people don’t do well in driving tests. And it turns out there is some common mistakes like ones you made. So we take a look? Yeah, sure, I’m ready. OK. Let’s go.
Part 2:
I was in an accident one time, and it was for changing lanes. The young lady that I took out / failed to check her blind spot. And she signal, she looked in the mirror, but she didn’t see the car in the blank spot. And me and she, we ended up in a little fender-bender. There are three things you gotta do when change lanes. You have to do in that order because there is certain procedure. You let you signal run, and while it’s running, you look in your mirror, then when you make sure there’s nothing there, you merge over and you’re safe.
- And me and she, we ended up in a little fender-bender. 이런식의 문법적으로 정확하지 않은 영어를 구사하는 출연 남자가 썩 마음에 들지는 않지만, 놀랍게도 많은 일반인들이 이런식의 우리가 보기엔 틀린 영어를 실재 사회에서 구사 합니다. 물론 누구도 시비를 걸지 않습니다. 왜냐하면 뜻은 통하니까…. 하지만 우리는 배우는 입장이니 올바른 표현이 뭔지는 알아야 겠지요…
a little fender-bender: 경미한 접촉사고 - There are three things, 출연자가 발음하는 것은 there’s three things 이지만 이것은 틀린 것입니다.
A lane change should be just the really simple thing: you have your blinker on, you look in the mirror, you look over your shoulder, and you did everything right, and you see that there’s a vehicle there, well then turn your signal light off, go down the road, try again later, it’s that simple.
Sometimes, you can be doing a really great job even though you have the signal, you’re telling everybody what you’re doing next, // the other guy just may not care. And he might (be) going anyway. Before you know it, you’re trying to avoid sides wiping vehicle that’s there. If an applicant approaches to right turn, there is the bicycle lane, and they’re approaching, they have their signal on, they’re just looking straight, they don’t look in the mirror, they don’t look over the shoulder / that is critical error. If they // approach a left turn, entering the center left turn lane, and a signal that’s all they do, before they enter they don’t look, that’s another critical error. So those will automatically cause into fail.
- what you’re doing next, // the other guy이친구 처럼 말하는 사람의 영어를 이해하기가 초보들에겐 진짜 어렵습니다. 말이 빠르고 발음을 정확히 하지 않으며 일반적인 규칙에 따른 호흡법을 완전 무시하기 때문 이지요. 그저 자주 접하고 따라 잡는 수외엔… 길이 없군요…
- avoid sides wiping 옆구리 긁는거… (side scratches, or scratching sides)
Any lane change requires that you: (1) Signal, (2) check your mirrors, and (3) check your blind spot. This includes merging into another lane when your lane ends. Leaving a curb, when pulling into traffic, merging into a bike lane, or merging into a center turn lane.
- 반드시 명심 해야할 차선 바꿀 때 순서: (1) 신호주고, (2) 거울로 해당 차선의 차령 확인후, (3) 어깨 뒤로 블라인드 스팟의 차량 유무를 확인.
이런과정을 실재로 심사원이 보는 앞에서 하지 않고 차선을 변경하면 바로 불합격 처리 되니, 평소에 이런 과정의 반복 연습이 필요합니다.