- How to make turns
- How to stop
여기서 소개하는 회전과 멈춤은 모두 critical error에 속하는 것으로 이를 제대로 정확히 지키지 않으면 바로 운전면허 실기시험에서 불합격 처리되고 사고 발생시 여러가지 어려운 상황이 발생될수 있으니 반드시 지켜야만 할 필수 사항들 입니다.
# 2 Failure to Yield
At this particular stop light, we wanna make a left turn, and then when the light turns green, we have oncoming traffic sometimes the applicant doesn’t realize that. They kept wait for oncoming traffic before they can make the left turn.
- make a left turn 어느 한 방향으로 회전 할것을 요구할 때 쓰는 아주 실용적인 표현 입니다.
Ex. You should have made a left turn, not right turn at the past intersection. But, don't worry. Let's make a U-turn at at the next intersection.
- They kept wait for~ 동명사를 쓰지 않고 이런식으로 동사원형으로 쓰는 경우가 아주 빈번 합니다. 듣는 도중에 이런 사소한 문법에 마음 쏠리지 마세요….
If they have a green protected arrow, then they know that the car is coming, it’s supposed to stop, so when they see a solid green light, they think of the rule of green arrow, they think “OK, my light is green, I’m gonna go! This guy should be stopping” and he doesn’t stop. When it’s green signal, and you’re gonna make a left turn, you have to deal with the car, it’s coming.
- A solid green light / a green protected
arrow 보통 녹색등만
있는 것을 (A solid green light), 녹색등 안에 따로 화살표시가 있는 것을 (a green protected arrow) 이라고 합니다.
You need to edge onto the middle of intersection, wait for all oncoming traffic / to go through whether they’re turning or going straight / and wait for the pedestrians to cross, then complete your left turn. That’s safe manner.
Don’t worry when you’re in an intersection when the light turns red. You’ve entered legally on a green light, so other traffic has to wait for you to clear before they can proceed.
Some of the most common mistake that drive test applicants make, are cross walks, ok? Ah, when you come to an intersection, they go right into the cross spot, and next thing you know there’s two or three people standing, you know, on the corner while crossing. The whole point is on the cross walk, you have to stop behind the line. Then you check the pedestrians in the right and left, and if there is no predestines, you can move up into cross walk after that / so you can see around corner then you look / and everything’s clear and keep going.
- Clear 이친구의 말이 제일 듣기 어렵군요. Clear 인지 아닌지 확실히는 알수 없지만 문장이 이런 뜻으로 짐작 합니다.
You need to understand right-of-way who turns, who changes, who goes and stops. There is nothing there help you to say, hey ok if a car on your right gets there first then he goes first, you have to already know that, you know, ahead of time. And the way you drive will tell whether or not you understand right-of-way, so you need to make sure that you understand.
- right-of-way를 한글로 뭐라고 부르나요? 뭔가 있었던 걸로 기억되는데 뭐라고 부르는지 기억이 나지 않습니다… -_-;;
# 3 Failure to Stop
The biggest mistakes that I’ll say are they won’t make complete stops. Or they will just kinda come up, look and roll right through the stop. People think that they pause or that they’ve rolled a stop and there’s nobody in an intersection and that’s enough, but we’re not called to market it, it’s enough or called to market it, it’s not done at all.
- The biggest mistakes that I’ll say are they won’t~ Regina 는 여기서 says is 라고 발음하지만 사실은 say are 가 정확합니다. Be 동사가 복수인 이유는 복수주어 (mistakes).
Stopping over the limit lines is another big one / because again they feel they’re looking to see if it’s clear especially on right turns, they wanna pull up and see if it’s clear to make that right turn, so they felt to make a proper stop behind the limit line and check first to see if anyone needs to cross.
I would say 90% of the people out their taking drive test are extremely confused with that limit line, and you know we wanna get it out there that all you need to do is stop / look left and right pedestrians, if there are none creep up if they can not see traffic creep up so they can see traffic better and then, from that point make their turns.
- Pedestrian, n. 보행자
- creep up, v. advance stealthily
or unnoticed (슬슬 앞으로 나아간다는 뜻)
Without notice, age starts creeping up on you once you’re over the hill. (나이 30을 넘으면 자신도 모르게 나이가 슬금슬금 들게 된다…)
A lot of times there
are school buses on our particular route, and our applicant will just drive right
through with red lights on, you have children crossing and that’s automatic
fail because they didn’t stop. Whether
they are on the same side to the bus or the opposite side of the bus, you have
to stop until the red lights go off.
- 여기서 미국인들이 많이 사용하는 두가지 표현들을 볼수 있습니다. 불이 켜지다 혹은 꺼지다의 뜻으로 turn on/off 혹은 go on/off를 쓰는데, 다른식으로의 응용에도 아주 유용하게 써먹을수 있습니다. 예를 들면, ‘학문에 대한 나의 사랑이 식었다’를 이들을 이용해서 영작 하면, My love to science goes off.
- '내이름은 김삼순'의 유명대사, "너에대한 내 사랑이 여기까지여서 미안하다!"를 영작하면: I'm sorry that my love to you goes off right here!
- "사랑은 돌아오는거야"는 어떻게 표현 할까요? Love will be turning back on one day.
The most common reason in our drive test that causes a critical error on a drive test is usually the red arrow, ah, making a right turn against the red right turn arrow on our specific route and usually they do that safely they’ll stop and they’ll look and it’ll be done safely however it is illegally and it’s not correct. You’re to come to complete stop and not attempt to move and you’re supposed to hold your position until the light turns green.
내일은 “초보용” 비디오로서 기본적인 자기소개와 시간에 관련된 생활영어 표현을 배울수 있습니다.
영국식 발음으로 진행 됩니다…! :)