In this morning, health watch, part 2 of grinding your teeth. In Friday we told you about stress on bad economy causing more and more people’re grinding their teeth. Here is some advice how to cool it. That clinch is on our own Dr. Jennifer Ashton. Good morning. Hi, how are you?
So this is really on a increase. It is. Now American Dental Association doesn’t tract exact numbers of these, but anecdotally dentists are seeing anywhere from 20 to 100% more of patients complaining of teeth grinding and medical term is “bruxism”.
Bruxism! What are their tale tell signs? Really things are effect your head. You can see anything from headache to oversensitive teeth, to sore facial muscles, even jaw pain involved in muscle to actual damage to the insider of your cheek.
So if you’re suddenly experiencing these things and haven’t before, it probably is about this. It could be. And you know, past.. people used to think about these as just a dental problem.
Now all experts believe that this a really problem that originates from central nerve system of brain and manifests in the teeth and dental region, but make no mistake, Harry, it can really affect to the whole cranial facial, face, neck, jaw region.
I start having kind of getting sores, and just thinking about. It’s horrible. Yeah it’s really messy!
So what kind of damager’s gonna do, if you’re grinding teeth over night? Obviously it can do real damage to teeth, Harry, anything from loose teeth eroding top of the anamal, jaw pain, and a muscular pain, but fortunately there are a lot of things that can be done about it.
The first is just making yourself aware of that there is problem. Right! What kind of stuff can you.. ok. So this looks like what we used to wear playing football. That’s right! These are mouth guards, now ranging from the cheapest to most expensive.
Easiest thing to do is taking warm facial cloth from home which is free and put it on your jaw muscles right before you go to bed actually relaxes these masidal or jaw muscle.
And then you can go to any drug store and buy over the counter mouth guard that moulded to your teeth. They cost about 20$. The ones that you can get with your dentist that can be much more expensive ranging from 300 to 1000$, and in severe cases even Botox awful, but can be used obviously that can be most expensive can be injected with limited amounts right into the jaw muscle to help prevent that.
How does he know (that you grind your teeth in sleep)? Does he sing in mouth, aren’t you afraid you swallow it? You don’t. You can’t? No, but the key is that most people are not aware of that they grind their teeth, but person sleeping next to them is the one who brings to their attention.
Ah, of course here you go. Be careful! I don’t wanna say “Kiss me good night, darling!” Well, it’s a little uncomfortable with that, but at least it’s protecting your teeth. There you go! Thank you very much Dr. Ashton! Thank you!