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Pronunciation - make it work for you




Learn how to make your own practice for pronunciation







Hi, remember English is difficult to learn. So no matter what you do. Dont give up, just keep trying. Dont worry if you make mistakesDon’t worry if somebody insults you about your English skill. Everybody learns language differently and at different rates. So just keep trying, and you will get better and better.


One of the things I recommend is you keeping flash cards on you like this. This one has lines on one side and its blank on the other side. You can take this card and cut in half and on one side, you can write the sounds youre working on. Like sh so you can pull the card out look at it and say /~/. Then on the other side, you can have some words and phrases, hoply the words will have the sound in the beginning, the middle, and the end of the words, and the same with the phrases. And you say those phrases, and if you do that / three times a day / once in the morning, once in the afternoon, once at night. If you do that for about 2-3 weeks, youll get the sound. Your brain will be almost forced to remember that. So its simple thing to do and it doesnt take long. Were talking about one or two minutes for each time you review with your flash card, so no matter where you are at work, or at school or whatever you do with your life, you can take two minutes out to practice your sounds.


Another thing that I recommend is creating image in your mind. So for example, with the /~/. If this is hard for you, create a vivid image in your mind and what I mean by that / is to pretend youre at an opera. And your best friend Pavarotti is going out on stage and you’re on the balcony and you cant believe that all these people down below / are talking so you need to make them quiet very fast, or theres gonna be problem. So you lean over the balcony and you with all your might you say ~.. and then you see all those people down there and they are very embarrassed and they like oop.. sorry, you know. And you save the day, and then you sit back on your chair and relax. Say to you something yes, my shh.. really worked.  Create an image, your mind remembers the image. 


If after two weeks, you find that youre still having problems with this sound or any sound youre working on for that matter. This is what I recommend: use flash cards again but for example, if you working on the sh sound, write some new words on the card, another words make a new flash card with some new words and some new phrases. Because it probably means that your mind needs to be exposed to more vocabulary. Your brain has been very used to be saying certain words in certain ways for years. And it doesnt want to change. So if youre still having difficulty after two weeks, make new flash cards with the same sound adding new vocabulary. If youre exposed your mind to more vocabulary and different phrases, then your mind will get it. And keep following that pattern, you maybe do that for a week and change to some new words, then some new phrases. This is a really small time commitment. Want to make sure clear, I don’t want you to think this takes a lot of your time and be hassleTo make a flash card, probably takes about a minute or two, and like I said before when you review it you just review it three times a day for about one or two minutes each time. So its nothing we have to sit down and study for an hour or two, no, it’s about repetition, it’s about breaking a habit so that your mind can get used to something new. Thats all so give that a try.


More on images to remember pronunciation. The more wild, crazy, absurd the image is in your mind, the easier it will be for your brain to remember it. So the image I gave you earlier of the opera situation, that was just an idea. But it was more of a simple image although it will probably work. But you can make it much more interesting. You can make it much more personal. So heres a little bit of stranger image that you may find easier to remember. And remembered: you can make any image you want for any sounds you want. And you could attach words to this image. You could really go forwardI’m trying to keep things simple, so well stick with this. So think of two people who dont know how to kiss. Ok, were working on the sh sound. Ok they dont know how to kiss. Its their first time so they are very awkward and nervous. You know you could see, I dont know some guy and a girl you know, and they are so nervous they are talking too much each one is talking because they are so nervous about thisAnd at the same time they look at each other to make each other quiet. And they look at each other and they go Shee~ like that. So when theyre shushing each other, keep doing it so strong, that their lips get very close, boom, and then they start kissing. Make it, like I said it before, make it two people you know, it will, your brain will remember that or if you really want your brain remember that, make it two girls your know, I hope that doesnt get me trouble. But anyway, I get that image will stick in your brain even more. Remember this is private, this is personal, you dont have to tell anybody about your image. What youre concern about is getting your pronunciation right, getting your mind to change its habit and this might work for you. Anyway thanks for listening my story. Ill see you the next time.    




English Pronunciation #83 - JUXTAPOSE
