오늘은 저의 Favorite Etymologist인 (語根 연구가) ‘마리나’가 웬일로 옷을 훌러덩 안벗고 아주 decent한 옷차림으로 비디오를 하나 올렸네요… 그래서 아주 기쁜 마음으로 비디오를 올립니다. 제발 오늘같이 옷좀 제대로 입고 나오면 자주 올릴텐데… 왜 그렇게나 홀라당 홀라당 벗고 비디오를 만드는지.. 원.. 쩝!
Hello my dear student. This is the answer to the guest word game and the Goalty all the people had / was they talked about themselves in the third person. And the word that describes that is “illeism” or been in “illeist.” Illeism comes from the Latin, ille, which means that man. The word itself was a modeled after the word egoism. Some famous illeists: Julius Caesar, Joseph Stalin, The Hulk, Shaquille O’Neal who calls himself the Diesel at time, Richard Nixon, and even Elmo from Sesame Street.
Have you ever thrown yourself in the certain person? I actually have done it before when I said HotForWords decided to investigate. So HotForWords must get going!