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Lesson 3a - Prepositions (전치사 사용법)




Grammar review: Prepositions of Location and Direction

우리는 전치사를 약간 가벼이 보는 경향이 있지만, 실제 대화에서 전치사의 용법은 생각보다 막강한(!) 위력을 발휘 합니다. 그러려면 기본 전치사의 기본적인 용법을 정확히 알고 있어야만 합니다. 오늘은 위치 (location)를 표시하는 전치사 at, in and on의 용법을 복습해 봅니다.








In this lesson, we’re going to look at words to answer the question where, for example, in front of the lion, in the snow, at the hospital. The list of these prepositions for location and direction is quite long, but we’ll take it by step by step and I think by the end of lesson, you’ll feel more comfortable using them.


First, let’s gain a basic understanding of prepositions. [see screen and listen] These are the object of prepositions. [see screen and listen] We’re going to start prepositions of location. “Location” means where someone or something is.


At and InAt means a general place , a point. So we say at school, at the theater, at the beach. In means an area, a place with limits. For example, a city has a limit, so we say in Mew York. The swimming pool has an area, area for swimming; it also has limits because it has size so we say in the swimming pool. The box also has a size; it has a top / and a bottom as well / so we say in the box.


Let’s try an exercise. I want you to complete the following sentences with at or in. You read the sentence to yourself and then I’ll tell you the answer. [see screen and listen] Let’s pause for a second / because this is interesting sentence. The correct answer is at the bank / because we’re making a general statement: where’s Oliver? He’s at the bank.  You can’t say in the bank, but then you’re explaining that he’s inside the building, and not outside. If that explanation is not important, then it’s best to say at the bank. [see screen and listen]


Now let’s talk about “On.” [see screen and listen] Let’s pause and try another exercise. This time I want you to complete the sentences with on or in. [see screen and listen] Again read the sentence to yourself and then I’ll tell you the answer. [see screen and listenThat’s the end of Part 1, be sure to check out Part 2 so we can finish our discussion of / prepositions of location.