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Lesson 2f - Conditionals - English Grammar



  • Learn about the unreal conditionals in the past (continued)






So up to now we’ve talked about only using would have + the past participle in the result clause.  Other modals can be used and I’d like to share a couple of examples, again with help of flags.  Do you know this one?  This is the French flag, the flag of France.  I’ve been to France a few times and I enjoyed myself.  I think
/ I might have enjoyed myself more / if I had learned to speak better French.  So in the result clause, I used ‘might have + past participle’ indeed expresses as possibility: might have + the past participle. 


So here’s the second example.  This is the Canadian flag, the flag of Canada.  After college and somewhere in the middle of graduate school, I went to Toronto to visit a friend there.  It was the only city I got to see because I didn’t have much money to go to travel all around of Canada.  I could have seen more of Canada if I had had more money.  So in this statement I used ‘could have + the past participle’ again to talk about possibility.  Could have + the past participle could express possibility or ability.  So the truth: I wasn’t able to see more of Canada, why? because I didn’t have much money.  And note that in that if clause, I had two has, if I had had more money, to some ears it might sound strange, but it’s correct because the past perfect is had + past participle. In that statement, my main verb was have and its past participle is had.  So if I had had more money, I could have seen more Canada.


Let’s review. [see screen and listen Jennifer] Let’s talk more specifically about those untrue situations.  [see screen and listen Jennifer]  Note with pronunciation, would have in fast speech sounds like 우드워ㅍ; I 우드워ㅍ learned more Japanese if I had lived in Japan. [see screen and listen Jennifer]  So let’s try an exercise. [see screen and listen Jennifer]  For example, you read the example to yourself and then I’ll tell you the answer. Here’s the final exercise.  [see screen and listen Jennifer]          


One thing you can do with the previous exercise is to share them with your friend who’s also studying English.  If you still have doubts, you can send them to me.  I’ll correct them for you.  Send them along to EnglishWith Jennifer@gmail.com.  That’s the end of our lesson on unreal conditional at the past.  Thanks for watching.



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Daily Pronunciation #23 - English Lesson – WACKY






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