Learn about conditionals in English
조건문/가정문은 아마 인과관계와 함께 가장 많이 쓰이는 문법요소 이리라 믿습니다. 많은 경우, 처음엔 쉽게 이해를 하지만 좀더 복잡한 경우로 문법수업이 이어지면 금방 헷갈리고, 이의 사용에 대한 자신감을 갖기 어려운 것이 또한 IF 절로 구성된 조건과 결과의 문장 입니다.
이런현상이 일어나게 되는데는 여러가지 이유가 있겠지만 미국인 영어 선생님인 제니퍼는 이 조건문을 어떤식으로 설명하고, 이해를 도우는지 잘 살펴보시면 우리가 헷갈려 하는 이유를 조금은 알수 있지 않을까 생각해 봅니다.
How well do you know yourself? I’d like you to take quiz find out a little bit about what kind of person you are. There’re six questions. We’ll read the questions together and I’d like you to think about your answer to each one. OK? [see screen and listen Jennifer]
Ok, so now let’s compare answers and see how similar we are in terms of personality. These are my answers: One, if I see a large insect, I scream. Two, if I have friends over for dinner, I like to cook most of foods myself. Three, if I have a lot of work, I try to do most of it the same day. Four, I keep a secret of a friend (that) asks me to. Five, I usually laugh if I make a silly mistake. Six, if I have a choice, I’d prefer to watch a comedy. Sometimes watch a sad movie for good cry, but usually I prefer a comedy.
Now, if you’re paying close attention, you notice that both in the questions and the answers we made use of the word “IF”. Statements with the word IF, we call it conditional. Conditional comes from the word condition. In the statements we have two parts: the condition and the result. The result can not exist without the condition. So first you have a condition, then you get the result. For example, if I see a bug, I scream. I’m not going to scream unless there is the bug. Get it? So you have a condition, you get the result. So here are two statements from our quiz. These are my answers. [see screen and listen Jennifer] We said that the conditionals have two parts: the condition and the result. So let’s find those parts in these two statements. “If I see a large insect in the house (condition), I scream (result).” Which is the result? Screaming. So the screaming will not take place, cannot happen without the condition. There MUST be a condition for a result. Down here I laugh if I make a silly mistake. Here is the one part (I laugh), and here is the other part, introduced by IF. IF introduces the condition, so making them silly mistake leads to laughter.
- made use of something/someone: 이 표현이 영어회화에 아주 쓸모가 많은 표현 입니다. 예를 들면, You can easily find my talent in making use of many different ways in your company. 취직 인터뷰 할 때 이런 표현을 한마디 한다면 다른 경쟁자들과 큰 차별화를 둘수 있겠지요?
Now the two parts actually have name in grammar. We call them clauses, and a clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb. [see screen and listen Jennifer] the independent clause here is “I scream” because this thought is complete, it can stand on its own, and it makes sense. This first clause, “if I see a large insect”, it makes sense but only if is a part of the whole sentence, that’s why it is a dependent clause. This clause is dependent on what follows, I scream. I’m only pointing these things out because it’s important to understand that conditionals have the two clauses and the clauses can change phrases. If can come first in a sentence. If can take the second position in the sentence. So either dependent or independent clauses can begin these conditional statements. Make sense? OK, let’s race ahead forward then. We know the types of clauses. We know the order, [see screen and listen Jennifer]
- race ahead forward: moving forward, keep going, go on, continue – 이 표현은 흔히 들을수 있는 것은 아닌듯 합니다. 영어 선생님의 입에서 나올법한 표현인듯… 하지만 훌륭한 영어 표현으로 생각 합니다…
Did you notice that if it comes second in a sentence, we do not need a comma. We only need the comma when we put the if clause first. [see screen and listen Jennifer] Notice that again, so here we have if coming first (upper), and here it comes second (lower sentence). When we write, we need a comma because the if-clause is coming first in the statement. If we are only speaking, then you’ll hear a pause (//): if I see a large insect in the house // I scream. Down here you don’t need a comma, and you won’t likely hear pause (//): I laugh // if make a silly mistake.
Now let’s pay attention to the verb tenses that we’re using here. [see screen and listen Jennifer] It’s important to know all of these examples have been in real situation, so using the present tense, and both clauses express a real situation. We can call these statements: Factual conditionals or Real conditionals. Other verb forms: So note that when I say present tense, it doesn’t just mean simple present, you can use other verb forms. For example, [see screen and listen Jennifer] showing a habit. [see screen and listen Jennifer] Can is a modal, so we can also use modals in the statements to show real situations. Here can is expressing a possibility.
- 여기서 중요한 점은 멀까요? 조건문에서 “현재형 동사 (현재분사 포함) 혹은 조동사”를 쓰면 그것은 “실재상황”이 조건과 결과에 쓰인다는 것입니다. If you follow “Today’s Video Lesson”, you can learn a lot…! J
So let’s review now. On your screen you can see five beginnings to five statements. I’ll tell you an ending and you tell me which statement it completes. For example, if I say, “it becomes dry ~” You tell me // to that it // completes statement. Two, if you cook mean for too long, it becomes dry. Here’s another one. “If you lost ~”, “(find a sentence to complete this part from the screen)_____” “If your boss is talking to you, _________” another one, “I can’t concentrate ___________” And the last, “I try to help _________” [see screen and listen Jennifer]
- to that it : 이 부분이 잘 들리시나요? 별다른 뜻은 없지만 앞뒤 문장을 이어주는 관계 대명사로서 잘 안들리기 때문에 마음이 확 쏠리기 쉽습니다…. 주의 하세요~~ 안들리는 부분은 “완전 무시”하고 다음 문장에 신경 쓰시는거… 잊지 마세요…
All right I hope this first lesson’s been helpful to you. Please be sure to check the other lesions that I put on YouTube for conditionals, OK? All right, Happy studies…!
Daily Pronunciation #20 - English Lesson THWART
내일 계속해서 IF 조건/가정문에 대해서 알아 봅니다.